Agenda for Early Career Meeting 10/3/14 Larry Cardman Introduction Timeline and Proposal Preparation Presentation Format for Early Review “Old Timers” Welcome to stay or leave……………….. Deborah Dowd PAMS System Resources Available Proposal Format Abstract Narrative Biographical Sketches Facilities and Equipment Chris Hayes Proposal Budget Analysts All Questions and Answers
Early Career Process- 2014 (FY14 Announcement Lab 14-1170 ) Date Process Element October 3 Kickoff meeting for proposal preparation (summary of resources available and process October 9 Notification by DOE, encouraging or discouraging submission of full proposal Week of October 20 Review (by committee) of Viewgraph summaries of proposal overviews, and identification of final reviewers for each proposal Week of October 27 (one week after Review above) Proposals submitted for JLab Internal Proposal Review Process Week of November 3 JLab internal proposal reviews complete and detailed recommendations provided to proposers on desirable revisions November 14, 8 AM Proposal documents complete and provided to Deborah Dowd for final QA and for upload; enter into PAMS system November 20 DOE Deadline for full proposals
Proposal Eligibility and Awards Anticipate up to $10M in FY15-between 15 and 25 awards Typical award size is $2.5M – minimum $500K/year PIs must be full time, permanent, non postdoc lab employees as of proposal deadline (November 20, 2014) No more than 10 years since PhD (Doctorates no earlier than 2004) PIs who received awards in 2012, 2013,and 2014 are not eligible Also not eligible if you have submitted three times
VG Set for Preliminary Review We’re asking for an overview presentation of your proposal for a meeting (exact date/time tbd) during the week of October 20th The idea for you to have developed the broad approach and details of your proposal and for the group to bring a breadth of experience to our critique of it You are each asked to complete a set of 6 viewgraphs using a standardized format to summarize your proposal (copies of the format to be sent to you by Deborah after the meeting)
Principle Investigator Name Name of Project Program Office Principle Investigator Name
Executive Summary/Abstract In a few bullets summarize your abstract here
Specific Scientific Aims Summarize the specific scientific aims your proposed project will accomplish
Research Impact and Benefits Summarize the impacts and benefits of your proposed research to: Jefferson Lab Nuclear Physics (and other project offices if applicable) Office of Science
Resources Needed Summarize the resources which you will need for the project Your time % (Must be between 50% and 100%) If applicable, Time of your colleagues, Designers, Engineers, Technicians, post- docs and graduate students In case of Post-docs and graduate students, how would you acquire their time Other resources, collaborators Equipment, Machine shop, etc.
Schedule and Milestones Here you should detail what you are going to accomplish and when- some type of graphic format is preferred here so that it is easy to track accomplishments with what is spent
Questions?? If not, on to Deborah and Chris
Proposal Guidelines Each DOE National Laboratory proposal will contain the following sections: Budget, entered into PAMS as structured data using the PAMS budget form Abstract (one page), entered into PAMS as a separate pdf Budget justification, entered into PAMS as a separate pdf Proposal, combined into a single pdf containing the following information: Proposal Cover Page Table of Contents Project Narrative (main technical portion of the proposal, including background/introduction, proposed research and methods, timetable of activities, and responsibilities of key project personnel - 15 page limit) Appendix 1: Biographical Sketch(es) Appendix 2: Current and Pending Support Appendix 3: Bibliography and References Cited Appendix 4: Facilities and Other Resources Appendix 5: Equipment Appendix 6: Other Attachments (optional) Letters of support not permitted but statements of collaborators using prescribed format are allowed Narrative format: 1 inch margins, 11 point type
Resources Available for Assistance Line Managers should assist with guidance and review of proposal text and technical approach Deborah Dowd will be available to assist with QA and general assistance in finalizing and submitting proposals through PAMS Budget analysts Tanya Stewart, Annie Ungaro, Susan Brown, Kelly Webster are available to assist with developing your budget. External user guide for PAMS on grants and contracts website:
Review Criteria 1. Scientific and/or technical merit of the project. 2. Appropriateness of the proposed method or approach. 3. Competency of applicant's personnel and adequacy of proposed resources. 4. Reasonableness and appropriateness of the proposed budget. In addition, the following announcement-specific evaluation criteria will also be used during the scientific merit review (peer review): 5. Relevance to the mission of the specific program (e.g., ASCR, BER, BES, FES, HEP, or NP) to which the proposal is submitted. Criteria are shown for each program on pg 43 and 44 of announcement. 6. Potential for leadership within the scientific community.
PAMS – Submit Proposal There are four components to the proposal, each represented by a tab—the Cover Page, Budget, Subawards, and Attachments. The Subawards component is optional. As you complete each component, click the ‘Choose Action’ dropdown at the bottom of the screen, select the appropriate option, and click ‘Go’. When a component is successfully saved, the icon on its tab will change from incomplete ( ) to complete ( ). Once all of the required components are complete, the ‘Submit to DOE’ option will be available in the dropdown. DO NOT HIT SUBMIT- Submission will be done centrally after internal review and approval To work on sections with an edit icon, click the edit icon, enter your information, and then click ‘Save’. If you need to revisit a component, click the desired tab at the top of the page or use the ‘Back’ button at the bottom of the page. However, be sure to save the page you are working on first so you will not lose any changes. The ‘Cancel’ button at the bottom of the Cover Page allows you to exit the proposal process. Any information entered since your last save will be lost if you use the ‘Cancel’ button. Special instructions for the Cover Page: Search for and add only one Principal Investigator (PI). If you search and find the PI is not registered, click on ‘Invite PI’ and provide the requested information to send an invitation to that PI to register in PAMS under your institution. Special instructions for Subawards: Provide subaward budget information by clicking the Subawards tab. Then click the “Add Subaward” link to add a budget for each consortium grantee organization.
Summary Become familiar with PAMS forms and process – give yourself lots of time- this is a new system Meet with your budget analyst ASAP so that you can construct your budget Ask for help earlier rather than later