This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Logical Framework and Indicators
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Developing a project – key components Overall objective Specific objectives Expected results of the activities (outputs, outcomes and impact) Activities to be done Target group/beneficiaries Partners Cross border effect Timeline Budget
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Presenting a logical framework in the concept note You do not need to present a logframe in your concept note However, it is very useful to make one ! Perfect tool to structure your proposal Try to develop one with all your partners, already now! You definitely need one for your full proposal
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Logical Framework (logframe) Intervention Logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verificationAssumptions Overall objective Specific objectives Expected results (outputs) Activities MeansCosts
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Overall objective(s) Broader objective to which the project will contribute To be achieved mostly some time AFTER the end of the project The project will contribute to a future impact Project has an impact for project stakeholders
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Specific objectives Need to be achieved by the end of the project These are directly related to the problems or needs In achieving the specific objectives, you will ensure achievement of the overall objectives
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Expected results Outcomes, consequences, or what ensues from an action or policy. Results collectively will lead to the achievement of the specific objectives; which contribute to the overall objectives. They show what should be achieved by the end of the project Results are also the tangible products/services (outputs) delivered as a consequence of implementing a project. Services to be provided by the project
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Activities Specific tasks carried out under the project These activities should lead to the achievement of the results Activities need inputs, both physical and non- physical Activities should be directed to the target group
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Means What are the means required for the activities What personnel/staff resources are needed? What supplies and/or equipment are/is required? Is training required? What about studies, operational facilities, etc.?
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Demonstrating the logic of the intervention Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verificationAssumptions Overall objectives Specific objective Expected results (outputs) Activities MeansCosts
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Column 2 - Objectively verifiable indicators Indicators are used for the monitoring and evaluation of the project They show/indicate to what level project objectives and results are achieved Indicators need to measureable (quantifiable) and verifiable Output indicators –Products or services that are the outputs from the project activities Specific objective indicators –Are linked to the effects of the implementation of the project –Give the information related to changes e.g. in behavior, awareness, knowledge and skills of the target group Impact indicators (indicators related to the overall objectives) –Related to the consequences of the implementation of the project –The wider impact beyond the immediate target group
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Column 3 - Source and means for verification Where can you find information about achieved indicators? Possible sources –Internal project documentation e.g. reports or specific research –External data official statistics or external research These sources will allow the management of the project and the monitors to verify whether the project achieves the planned level of indicators Costs – take these form the project budget
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Objectively verifiable indicators Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verificationAssumptions Overall objectives Specific objective Expected results (outputs) Activities MeansCosts
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Sources and means of verification Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verificationAssumptions Overall objectives Specific objective Expected results (outputs) Activities MeansCosts
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH A final check of your logframe Intervention logic Objectively verifiable indicators of achievement Sources and means of verificationAssumptions Overall objectives Specific objective Expected results (outputs) Activities MeansCosts
This project is funded by the EUAnd implemented by a consortium led by MWH Reviewing your project outline Is the vertical logic complete and accurate? Are the indicators and sources of verification available and reliable? Are assumptions and preconditions realistic? Are risks acceptable? Is the probability of achieving the objectives relatively high? Are equality issues taken into account ? (gender equality, participation of beneficiaries, management possibilities, etc.) Are the expenses justified by the expected benefits?