This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering. This title is for centering.
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Making love is lovely, as is the flower of youth. Even more lovely is freedom!
But perhaps such a lovely moment will never return.
I'm a soldier, and woe be to anyone who engages me in a duel.
Bravo to this one and that one, but no one will marry me.
Your head is a whirl. That alone scares me.
Making love is lovely, as is the flower of youth. Even more lovely is freedom!
Let's go in, friends, for I fear being surprised by my strange brothers.
Goodbye, Simone, we'll see each other tomorrow.
By Bacchus! We've been quartered in your house for two months, and still you fear being found together for two moments.
- Do you not know who my two brothers are? - They're two fools, two big grotesque bird-brained magpies.
What does that matter to me? Whatever they may be, I will make them tremble.
- After all, it's a matter of making you my wife. - After all, it's also a matter that I might marry this girl here.
- Woe to us! If the elder brother finds out, he'll kill us. - We'll kill him! - We'll force them to agree to both marriages!
Don't be such clowns. To make these marriages happen, we don't need bravado. We need cunning.
What do you mean?
Because one of them was mistreated by his sister-in-law, and because the other one fears the first, they are now both haters of women.
- Oh, what jackasses! - What do you wish to do, then?
- I want to make them fall in love. - With whom? - With some old crone that can act the lovely damsel?
- Aren't you awaiting your sister? - She'll arrive any moment.
See that she speaks with me as soon as possible. See also that she be willing to do my bidding.
And have no fear, for we will get married whenever you want.
If that's all you wish, I will do it all, and quickly.
Hey, Simone, my sister should arrive soon at the nearby inn.
Wait for her there. Go inform Ninetta as soon as she has arrived, and make sure my sister can speak to her without fear.
Very well, sir, but when these two foxes shall have spoken, I fear the storm that will follow, and everyone will say “Watch out!”
It's too much trouble to take a wife, truly too much trouble.
It isn't a matter for a soldier, who can get one at a fair market price, or even less than that. Too much trouble.
Women are lovely and good, but if a wife is that expensive, I'd give them all to you in a sack for some cards, tobacco, and wine.
I don't want to get married anymore.
It's too much trouble to take a wife, truly too much trouble.
It isn't a matter for a soldier, who can get one at a fair market price, or even less than that. Too much trouble.
Women are lovely and good, but if a wife is that expensive, I'd give them all to you in a sack for some cards, tobacco, and wine.
I don't want to get married anymore.
- One of the masters is up. I see his windows are already open. - Well, what of it?
Oh, nothing, you take it easy here while I go lay a trap for him.
- Ninetta is quite cunning. - But I also know my brothers very well.
To a man like me, who could play a nasty trick on them, they'll think a bit about saying no.
- They'll say no to you for sure. - If they say no to me, I will know how to exact my revenge.
I know how to marry you by force and carry you away elsewhere, and I only hold myself back because I hope…
- Alas, sir, I will not come. - We won't accomplish anything this way.
You are too cold, and in the end, you don't even know what you want.
I know that I love you.
What good is your love if I fail in marrying you soon, while you lose yourself in looks and sighs, which for us soldiers counts for nothing?
Hush, let me think about it a little, and I will tell you.
I'd like a husband, but without working hard for one.
To have him, if it suits me, or to leave him, if he is troublesome; one who will wait for years content only to kiss my hands.
I'd like a husband, but without working hard for one.
To have him, if it suits me, or to leave him, if he is troublesome; one who will wait for years content only to kiss my hands.
To sum it up, I want a man with wit, but made of wood, who will stay wherever I put him.