Round-table Any volunteer. Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents.


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Presentation transcript:

Round-table Any volunteer

Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents

How to follow up rape cases. What to do incase of incest and how to follow up a single teenage mother who puts to birth. Could we admit other teenage mothers into our association? What to do with members who are not serious. Can we accept unregistered and unserious members? How can we have legalisation papers? What to do with a pregnant adolescent. How to make adolescent listen to you.

Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents Sex education is still a taboo in the society Parent refuse their children to listen to our lectures How to approach adolescents in the community Boys refuse to use condoms The kossala aunties association want an authority What can we do with an aunty who has commited an abortion

Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents How to bring back trained aunties to continue attending meetings What to do with an aunty who is very active but is pregnant What to do with the association’s phone What to do if the treasurer is not serious and many aunties refuse to attend meetings because of this What to do if an aunty is living with a boy and now wants to leave because the relationship is no longer going on well

Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents Can we replace a secretary How should an aunty who had a wanted pregnancy be treated What do in an association where all the executive members are gone What to do if a dismissed aunty wants to come back in the association What to do if a president is not respected in the association What to do with treasurers who does not attend meetings any longer and we do not know where she kept the money We no longer have a president what can we do

Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents How to do so that aunties should always attend meeting Can we make identification cards for each member What to do if an aunty wants that her junior who does not have a baby should also attend meetings What to do if only four members are active and they need more members to attend meeting What to do if adolescents refuse to use condoms because their boy friends do not want to use the condom What to do if a member attended only one day of the basic training What to tell somebody who does not know how to use a condom

Problems faced by Aunties or Adolescents Should we admit order members from different association into our meeting What to do if aunties want to show up in the associations Can we train the teenage mothers in our community What to do if boy friend refuses to use condoms How toprove to my boyfriend that i’m an aunty and i’m in bamenda to attend a seminar

Round-Table Any volunteer

Questions Aunties asked themselves

Questions Aunties asked themselves Is there any danger if you abstain from sex for a very long time Can i have courage to sensitise youths again after an embarassement Should i continue to be alone or go out with a boy so that he should help me What to do if the boy who is helping me wants to drop me because i want us to use condom I’m isolated because i adopted a new way of life after the training. What can i do Can i sensitise out of my community what can i do if my menses still flow for some hours after the normal flow

Questions Aunties asked themselves How to sensitise in a church What to do if the father of my child wants to take the child when he had never taken care of her. The child is 2years 5months What to do if my father insistes that the child should not bare his father’s name ontil he pays some money How to advise an adolescent. What to do with my child’s father who never took care of the child but now wants to take the child and marry me How can i advise a friend who is a prostitude to change Can i ever get the courage to get married when men keep on raping the children of their wives

Questions Aunties asked themselves Is if advisable to carry your child to your husbands home Is it advisable for my child’s father to visit her without my knowledge How can i advise my mother inlaw and convince her that i’m not a prostitude Is it right for a girl to propuse to a boy that she wants them to get married What to do if the father of my child has another girl but still wants to go out with me What to do if i’m being forced to get married to a man