Remote Participation on ATF possibility and difficulty. Nobuhiro Terunuma KEK 4th TB and SGC meeting, Daresbury, 2007/5/29 6th ATF2 project meeting, WebEx, 2008/5/27
Remote (off-site) control is inhibited by radiation safety Capability of the remote control is not described in the radiation safety application form for Government. Further, this kind of control is not well defined in the low of radiation safety in Japan. It means that we have no permission for remote control. Agreement between the general manager for the KEK radiation safety and us is … "Online actions to the accelerator must be done by leaders in the control room".
Remote “participation” It is possible if it has no capability of control. Access control by software running on the hardware-control server does not satisfy our concept. We need to deny the access to the server from remote site.
How can remote collaborators access to ATF online data? I have an idea to … prepare the server for remote participation on the DMZ (free access) area of KEK network. Online data will be updated by requests or some intervals. ATF Web server is a candidate.
Are maintenance works possible from remote site? I know it is helpful for operation. On the other hand, we have to take care the safety for workers and collaborators. It seems difficult to me by Radiation Safety: beam loss by mis-steering,… Electrical Safety: Power supplies, RF,… Mechanical Safety: movers,… I may need to discuss with the general manager for the KEK radiation safety.
ATF Network Configuration
Tools for Remote participation
Sharing the ATF desktop image (1) WebEx: Advantage: Commonly used in the world including GDE. Easy to send a desktop image to participants. Participants can not control the remote through WebEx. It shows the participant name on menu. Disadvantage: Host person have to setup the meeting, open/control it on time. Can not keep a meeting more than 48 hours. Dual display does not work on sharing, recently. ATF uses dual displays at the control room. Please use others.
Sharing the ATF desktop image (2) VNC: Advantage: It actually puts/shares a desktop of the remote PC on your local PC but …. Disadvantage: Participants can control the desktop at ATF if you know… Participants must connect to the KEK network by VPN. May be waste the CPU at ATF. Others: Establish the ATF image server which works like as WebEx's desktop sharing? Java etc.
Audio and Video Use the commercially available tools! Phone? We should keep free the phone in ATF control room for emergency calls. We will have new line for WebEX callback. Oversea calls are expensive in Japan. There are some free tools on internet. Skype Windows, Mac, Linux MSN messenger/Windows live messenger Windows, Mac?, Linux? iChat Mac, Windows, Linux …
Experiences at ATF BBA etc. SLAC WebEX, AOL Fast Ion Study DESY, KNU, (SLAC) Skype, NetCamera DR-BPM upgrade FNAL Skype, NetCamera Emittance studies SLAC, Skype, NetCamera
Web Camera at ATF Enable/disable the remote camera control Enough zooming capability Images on terminal Logbook, notebook,… Privacy 1.Power on/off switch at ATF 2.Analog video output display at ATF control 3.Access control? (future)
Example: Reading a logbook by Camera! Use electrical logbook! Install it! ATF2 must use it! Use electrical logbook! Install it! ATF2 must use it!