Notice and takedown (NTD) Protocol Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day
Agenda: 1.Prologue 2.EU Legal Background 3.eCommerce Directive (liability issues) 4.The Hungarian NTD Protocol (liability issues, process) 5.Useful Hints, practical advice 6.Q&A Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day Prologue 1.Safe Harbour Principle: a Provider receives protection from liability for infringement of copyright and/or wrongful takedown 2.Codes of Conduct 3.DMCA (US Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day EU Legal Background 1.EU-Level: e-Commerce Directive, Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2000 on certain legal aspects of information society services, in particular electronic commerce, in the Internal Market 2000/31/EC 2.National legislative actions: harmonization obligation 3.Encourages the codes of conduct at EU-level Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day eCommerce Directive – Sheet 1 1.Intermediary services Transmission (mere conduit)and Access Services (Article 12) Caching (Article 13) automatic, intermediate and temporary storage of information Hosting (Article 14) Storage information at the request of a 3rd party Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day eCommerce Directive – Sheet 2 Mere conduit: No liability, if the Provider does NOT: Initiate transmission Select receiver of transmission Select / modify information Hosting: No liability NO knowledge of illegal activity or information AND NOT award on illegal activity (as regards claims for damage) Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day eCommerce Directive – Sheet 3 Caching: No liability NOT to modify the information complying with conditions on access to the information updating the information Lawful use of technology Correct NTD process NTD process: no standard rules, added to national legislation Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day The Hungarian NTD Protocol– Liability Issues Legal Background : Act No. CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce and information society services (Act on E-Commerce) Intermediary services: Transmission services and access services Caching Hosting Search engine service (NEW) Liability: same as the e-Commerce Directive Rightsholder: require NTD process NTD process: detailed protocol under the 13 § of the Act Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day
The Hungarian NTD Protocol– Process Table Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day Deliver y of the Notice Takedo wn 12 hours Inform the User 3 days 8 days User’s Counter Claim RE-ACTIVATE ! immedi atly Inform the Rightsholder Court Action s The Hungarian NTD Protocol– Hints (Useful Practice) Standardization (downloadable forms) Ask via too Do NOT judge Take care of the forms (writing, officially signed) Authorization Agreement on NTD process with rightholder Under reasonable circumstances Continuous co-operation Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Gergely SzékelyJanuary 12, 2009 ICTrain 2009 eCommerce Day Contact: