St. Louis Grammar School WORK PLACEMENT SCHEME
What is Work Placement ? Two types : Work Experience : hands-on experience at the discretion of the employer. Work Shadowing : careful observation of the working practice of one or more staff members ; used when hands-on experience is inappropriate. e.g. doctor
Why Work Placement ? Some main reasons : to gain an insight into the realities of work, including key skills ( e.g. numeracy, literacy & I.T. ), interpersonal skills and self-evaluation. to examine the work experiences of real personnel, including qualifications, daily routine, motivation and long term prospects. a valuable component of future application forms and curriculum vitae.
“It made me realise that teaching was really what I wanted to do. That it will take a lot of hard work to get to that position but it will be very worthwhile.” Previous Feedback
“Realised what the job involved was not what I expected. Got to see what day-to-day job involves. Spoke with people who have gone through the training - part of the job for many years.” Previous Feedback
“It gave me a good insight to what working in law is actually like. It showed me how demanding the job is and the amount of travelling involved to get to courts on time. It showed me that you have to work to strict deadlines and also learnt skills that will be beneficial to me in future employment.” Previous Feedback
When is the Work Placement ? Most members of Year 13 : Week Commencing Monday 23rd June 2012 School Placement: 19 th -20 th of March Additional opportunities possible. Schools placements earlier.
Where can you do Work Placement ? any employer in any location may be feasible. employer must be appropriate to your career aspirations – needs to employ university graduates. no exceptional injury or health risk involved. if possible, employer should not be a close relation. no previous experience of the employer. you cannot receive payment for work performed during the placement. (invalidates insurance ) You may need to apply for Access NI >>>
The Work Placement Procedure Most students secure their own placement but consult the co-ordinator for information and guidance. The co-ordinator is Mrs McAllister. This week, begin to decide which career area(s) to aim for. Consult the co- ordinator if you need assistance. Identify an appropriate employer. Consult the co-ordinator if you need assistance.
N.B. If the type of employer is not listed below, you must have the placement vetted by the coordinator. Accountant Architect Bank / Building Society Dentist Hospital inc. Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Radiography, Occupational Therapy, Laboratory Optician / Optometrist Pharmacy Private Physiotherapist School, College or University Solicitor \ Barrister Vet
If the employer is approved, contact the employer immediately. ( letter of introduction available on website ) N.B. Use rapid and reliable methods of communication ! Do not wait more than one week for a written reply. Use the phone !
When placement is confirmed, complete an employer record form at Click the CEIAG button on the main website. The access buzzword is enterprise Be very careful when completing the form. Your information will be used to contact your employer (spelling mistakes, Mr/Mrs, incorrect address will create a bad impression)
ALL PUPILS MUST HAVE COMPLETED THE WEBSITE FORM BY Wednesday 15 th February 2012 No Exceptions
Record of your work experience A form with a record of your work experience has been downloaded and then uploaded to the VLE. You will receive more details about this nearer the time.
Special Arrangements All placements may be secured independently if possible except : Hospitals Civil Service UTV Bombardier Beechgrove Special School IBM Marks & Spencer Housing Executive Fire Brigade SX3 Court Service... which will normally be arranged by the Charter Agency.
If you wish to be considered for a Charter placement you must register with the online form by : Friday 12 th February 2012 If you are applying through Charter make sure you have registered by Friday 10 th Feb 2012.
You must organise a back up placement and not rely on the Charter Agency.
The BBC BBC work placements are secured via their website. If you are interested, you should apply online immediately. But - the BBC have allocated specific weeks during which they will accept work placement pupils. This may or may not coincide with the school placement week.
During the Placement You will keep a diary of the experience and interview one member of staff. Someone from school will visit during the week (if available) Immediately after the Placement Employers send report forms to the school. You will be sent an electronic form for feedback – this form relates to UCAS References in Upper Sixth – it MUST be completed.
And Finally... This presentation and all work placement documents are available to download on the school website.