Countries on the Atlantic rim were closer to America than any Asian competitor European innovations in ____ gave them an advantage in entering the Atlantic Ocean World Conquistadors Sailed for Natives who resented the Aztec rule joined with the ____against the Aztec Global impact – collapse of Native American societies Transformed many North American tribes – abandoned farms and hunted and causing conflict with other tribes Went to Ireland – and population grew rapidly – years later many dies as a fungus destroyed the crops – caused millions of Irish to leave their homeland ___mines of Peru and Mexico fueled transatlantic commerce Legal system that gave the right to the Spanish to force labor
Gold, Glory and God mapmaking, navigation, sailing techniques, and ship design SpanishThe Great DyingHorses Potatoes Silver Encomienda Portugal, Spain, Britain and France
17 th century –____system – large plantation owners employed natives – low wages, high taxes, creating large debts to landowners Spanish born living in America Spanish born in America European and African Brazil and British, French, and Dutch islands of the Caribbean – aka___ Europe’s taste for __ fueled the Slave trade Less racial mixing in this part of the Americas Unlike slavery before, the slavery in America was associated with Reason that British North America had a high literacy rate
CreolesPeninsulares Mulattosugar islandsSugar British North America Race – “Blackness” British Protestants wanted their children to read the Bible hacienda
They established the first mandatory schools in the new world Wealthy invested in new colonies Company invested in Jamestown For much of the 17 th century the English government ignored or neglected the colonies fur bearing animals in Russia – pelts were in world demand Modernization, administration changes, manufacturing, nobles made to dress European 15 th century plus / Muslim rule to Largely Christian society in southeastern Europe 17 th and 18 th century China built a new Empire - Nomadic (foreign) from north of Great Wall India / Ruling dynasty Muslim people 20% Most of the rest were Hindu
Virginia aka LondonJoint stock companies salutary neglect“Soft Gold”Peter the Great Ottoman Empire Qing or Manchu Dynasty Mughal Empire Puritans
Required Christian communities to turn over a quota of young boys Portuguese voyage to India Spread of African people slave trip, part of the Triangle Trade City in Northern Italy center of trade The Mughal ruler ___favored policies that promoted a hybrid Indian- Persian-Turkic culture. How did the Tokugawa shoguns treat Europeans in Japan Impact on the Native population as a result of the Nroth American Fur Trade Japan’s silver production led to?
African DiasporaVasco da Gama Middle passageVeniceAkbar They expelled Europeans except the Dutch Natives became dependent on the Europeans goods / Alcohol End of Civil War and unification Devshirme
Late 1500’s the Chinese required taxed paid in silver. Impact to silver? Most of the African Slaves were sold to the waiting Europeans by ____ The most influential defender of American Indians in the early colonial period African population to Western Hemisphere; Western Hemisphere food to Europe and Africa; African and European diseases to Western Hemisphere- This describes? Whose authority arbitrated Spain’s and Portugal’s rival claims in the New world? How did silver from the mines of Mexico and Peru affect international commerce?
Bartolome de las Casas Other Africans Columbian ExchangeThe Catholic Pope Enabled Europeans to buy Chinese tea, silk, and porcelain Prices rose drastically