What I have seen What I have done
Outline Undergraduate -- Biotechnology -- Ecology Master -- Courses -- Research -- Project of Storma -- Field work
Undergraduate Biotechnology Bored by the endless experiments in the lab Ecology Because of many travels, got the new interest in Ecology.
My trips
Why Yunnan? Richest biodiversity. Minority culture out of 56 nations Common boundary with several countries. Wonderful landscape : snow mountain, stone forest, primary forest and so on
Master Program: International tropical and subtropical forest My foreign classmates are neally all from tropical and subtropical country : Vietnam, Indonesia, Phillipine, Nepal, China, Peru, Brazil, Sudan, Ethiopia, Cameroon Others are from Japan, Belgium, USA, Germany
Why Germany? One of the most developed country all over the world Long history and colorful culture The origin of -- The word of sustainability -- Near to nature forest Great efforts to protect the environment Strong-minded and hardworking people Free tuition
Courses Sixteen lectures -- Biometric data analysis and forest dynamic s -- Ecopedology of the tropics and subtropics -- Forest development policy -- Forest inventory -- Forest utilization and wood processing -- International forest economics -- Project planning, management and evaluati on -- Tropical forest ecology and silviculture -- Applications of remote sensing and GIS -- Bioclimatology and global change -- Dryland forestry and methods in silviculture -- Forest genetics and plantation forestry -- Forest protection and agroforestry -- Forestry in Germany -- Impacts of forest disturbance -- Multidisciplinary Research in Tropical Production Systems Mini project “ Managing sustainable forestry systems (in Germany)” -- My topic : Bioenergy utilisation Main project -- Soil respiration rate measurement in Sulawesi, Indonesia
Storma Full name : Stability of Rainforest margins in Indonesia
Storma – interdisciplinary Objectives -- find out the destabilisation of forest margins -- analyze those factors, processes and principles which facilitate the maintenance of stability there Sub – project A Social and economic dynamics Sub – project B Water and nutrient turnover Sub – project C Biodiversity Sub – project D Land use system
Storma :Cooperatory Two universities from Germany University of Kassel University of Goettingen Two universities from Indonesia Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB)Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in Java The Universitas Tadulako (UNTAD) in Palu, Central SulawesiUniversitas Tadulako (UNTAD)
Sub-project B B1 Effects of land use on the exchange of water, carbon dioxide and energy between the rain forest margin area and the atmosphere B2 The influence of pedo-hydrological changes on water and nutrient cycles B3 Nitrogen oxide emissions from old-growth tropical rainforests and land use systems B4 Changes in the hydrological cycle along a gradient of forest use intensity
Study Site
Palu, Sulawesi
Description of the site located on south of the equator on 119° eastern longitude controlled by the Australian-Asian monsoon system annual precipitation of about 2500 mm a mountainous region with peaks up to 2600 m
Plot and sampling
Result The average SRR is 5.34 umol CO 2 m -2 s g C m -2 d -1 No direct relation with temperature
One overnight measurement SRRUmolm-2 s time
Review of the available data
Acknowledgement Thanks for my advisors Dr. Gravenhorst Dip. Kreilein Thanks for all my colleagues from B1 group, especailly our partners from University of Tadulako
Thank you for your attention