South America
Regions of S. America Brazil The Northern Tropics The Andean countries The Southern Grasslands
Brazil’s History Brazil was initially discovered by the Spanish but was not claimed as Spanish territory. In 1500 Pedro Cabral found Brazil by accident. Once ashore he built a stone cross and declared the land from the Amazon to the Orinoco river as Portuguese land.
Brazil’s History Amerigo Vespucci was commissioned to explore this new land for the king. He returned with Brazilwood and monkeys! No gold, no silver, no diamonds
Captaincies To encourage settlers to colonize the king gave out land grants called captaincies. These were given to Donatarios – entrepreneurs who could invest in the colony. Most were looking to export Brazil wood This system failed.
Impact of Captaincy Thirteen modern states have names of their predecessor captaincies. An elite 1.7 percent of the landowners continue to own nearly half the arable land; the top 10 percent of the nation earns half the income.
Brazil becomes Portugal? In 1807 Napoleon forced prince Dom Joao from Lisbon. Naturally he fled to his colony across the Ocean. He established Brazil as the capital of the Portuguese Empire. In 1821 he returned to Lisbon and left his son in charge of Brazil.
How it went down… Napoleon forced King Dom Joao of Portugal out of the country. Nice dress Napoleon. Get out now.
This is now the capital of Portugal.
Brazil Colonial Period When Dom attempted to take back control of Brazil his son, Dom Pedro, declared independence with himself as its leader. But I want it Daddy!
Brazilian Independence Pedro announced Brazil’s independence on September 7th 1822 declaring: “Independence or death”. Portugal did not resist and the treaty of Rio was signed.
Geography of Brazil Amazon Rain Forest Amazon River West Brazilian Highlands
Amazon Rainforest 1/3 of all animal species in the world Covers 60% of the country The “lungs of the planet”… producing 20% of the Earth’s Oxygen!!!
Interesting species… Poison Dart Frogs Among the most toxic creatures on earth. Some species’ toxin is so virulent that merely touching the animal can deliver a lethal dose.
Interesting species… Bullet Ant The world’s largest ant grows to the size of your pinky. It also stings like a wasp. Some local tribes have a coming of age ceremony in which the young man has to endure repeated stings without making a sound.
Interesting species… Jesus Lizard When fleeing from predators, this reptile runs along the surface of water such as a pond or stream. The lizard reaches about 5 miles per hour this way. It propels itself along the water, using surface tension to briefly support its weight.
Interesting species… Glass Frog The glass frog’s flesh is entirely transparent, allowing you to see the internal organs, including the heart pumping away. The flesh thus takes on the hue of surrounding vegetation, making the frog hard to see.
Interesting species… Candiru This creature has been reported to swim up the urogenital tract of bathers and lodges itself therein. Removal by surgery is the only treatment
Goodbye Forest 20% of the amazon rainforest has been destroyed in the past 40 years. Starts with loggers but they are followed by farmers, ranchers and other industries. 2,000 sq. miles a year are lost, impacting 9 South American countries.
Save Me!!!
Urban areas Most of the population lives in large overpopulated cities Sao Paulo Rio De Janiero Brasilia
Carnival Religious festival celebrated before Lent. Large parades are held with floats and Samba dancing. Performed in the Sambadrome
Ecotourism Game Go to the world cultures website and click on the image of the rainforest. ods/theme_c/interact/ /ecotourism/eco1.html