Classroom Link Data Collection School Year September 2011
Classroom Link Data Classroom Link data is comprised of the 300 Course Section, 305 Teacher Assignment, and 415 Course Completion records.
Classroom Link Data For Classes Report data on all classes that are active or completed as of the last Friday in October and any new course sections that begin after the last Friday in October. (PEIMS 300 Course Section record )
Classroom Link Data For Staff Report staff and class assignment data for all teachers that were assigned to a particular course section (class) as of the last Friday in October and any new course sections through the end of the school year. (PEIMS 305 Teacher Assignment record)
Classroom Link Data For Students Report student and class assignment data for all students as of the last Friday in October continuing through the end of the school year. This includes courses completed before the last Friday in October. (PEIMS 415 Course Completion record)
Glossary of Terms Course – one of several academic services that are listed in PEIMS Code Table C022 and offered to students for the purposes of being promoted to the next grade level or earning credit toward graduation.
Glossary of Terms Course Section – a particular offering of an academic service that is listed in PEIMS Code Table C022 and that is offered to students for the purposes of being promoted to the next grade level or earning credit toward graduation.
Glossary of Terms Teacher – a person assigned to teach students in a particular course section.
Glossary of Terms CLASS-ROLE identifies the teacher assigned to a particular course section as either the teacher as a: “Teacher of Record”, an “Assistant Teacher”, or a “Support Teacher”.
Glossary of Terms Teacher of Record – Indicates that the teacher is responsible for the classroom, making the final decisions about the instruction delivered and the final outcomes for the students assigned to the class. (Role IDs 047 and 087 only.)
Glossary of Terms Assistant Teacher – Indicates that the teacher is assigned to the class and works with the Teacher of Record providing instruction and/or other instructional services to the students in the class. (Role IDs 047 and 087 only.).
Glossary of Terms Support Teacher – Indicates that the teacher provides specialized instructional services on a regular or irregular basis to students in the class. (Role IDs 047 and 087 only.)
Glossary of Terms Educational Aide – Performs routine classroom tasks under the general supervision of a certified teacher or teaching team.
Glossary of Terms Class – the teacher(s) and the student(s) meeting at a particular location that make up a particular Course Section defined by Campus, Service, Class ID Number, and Course Sequence Code. The teacher(s) and the student(s) are together physically, or are connected electronically for the duration of the class.
Glossary of Terms Course Completion - indicates whether or not the student finished the full sequence of instruction for a course.
Classroom Link Data - Courses All reportable courses that are offered on or through a particular campus for the enrolled students are reported with a: 300 Course Section record(s)
Classroom Link Data - Staff All staff persons under the immediate control of a particular district and that are acting/serving as a teacher for one or more reportable course sections are reported with a: 040/043/045 Staff Identification/Demographic records 050 Employment record 305 Teacher Assignment record
Classroom Link Data - Staff Teacher Assignment records (record type 305) are only reported for staff assigned to a particular course section who are classified with Role IDs 047 – Substitute Teacher or 087 – Teacher.
Classroom Link Data - Staff The substitute teacher reporting rules from the 090 Staff Responsibility record from the fall collection apply to the 305 Teacher Assignment record in the summer collection. Only the substitutes that are replacing a teacher who has died, resigned, or been terminated are reported as a teacher for a particular course section.
Classroom Link Data - Students All students who are enrolled in a particular district and are taking one or more reportable course sections are reported with a: 100/101/105 Student Identification/Demographic records 400 and/or 500 series Attendance records 415 Course Completion records for each course section attempted, or completed, as of the “Last Friday in October” and the course sections attempted after the last Friday in October..
Reporting Classroom Link Data For the school year: 415 Course Completion records are reported for students in grades 1-12 only.
040 Staff Identification Record All teachers that were assigned to at least one reportable course section are reported in Submission 3 with a 040 record.
040 Staff Identification Record Contracted Instructional Staff serving as a classroom teacher are persons not employed by the school district, but are working under contract on a campus or in a district providing classroom instructional services to students. These persons are reported on the 040 Staff record using Staff Type Code 2 – Contracted Instructional Staff serving as a Classroom Teacher.
043 Staff Identification/Demographic Record All teachers that were assigned to at least one reportable course section are reported in Submission 3 with a 043 record.
050 Staff Employment Record All teachers that were assigned to at least one reportable course section are reported in Submission 3 with a 050 record.
090 Staff Responsibility Record ‣ The CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be unique by school year and CAMPUS-ID. ‣ This CLASS-ID-NUMBER should always match an entry on the 300 Course Section record in the summer collection.
300 Course Section Record The 300 Course Section record captures the course offerings for grades 1-12 at a particular campus in the district. The record consists of the following data elements: INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-PERIOD, COURSE-SEQUENCE- CODE, NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION- CODE.
300 Course Section Record The data key for the 300 Course Section record is: INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE.
300 Course Section Record CLASS-ID-NUMBER must be unique by school year and CAMPUS-ID. CLASS-ID-NUMBER is 14 characters and may be a mixture of alpha and numeric values. One record must be submitted in collection 3 for each unique class (course section) that was offered during the school year.
300 Course Section Record SERVICE-ID is limited to those services that are valid student course codes. Do not report the SA, SR, or SS series SERVICE-ID codes (e.g. SR – Discipline Management) on the 300 Course Section record. Do not report Locally Developed courses that begin with an “8” or “9”.
300 Course Section Record The generic elementary SERVICE-IDs remain valid for use in reporting classroom link data. (e.g Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6).
300 Course Section Record SERVICE-ID , Elementary, Grades 1-6, should only be used when a teacher is serving multi-grade or ungraded student populations, typically in a pullout program. It is NOT to be used when a district assigns a teacher to multiple grades of students because neither grade has enough students to justify a single classroom.
300 Course Section Record CLASS-PERIOD is the class period identifier that illustrates the time of the school day that a particular class was offered. CLASS-PERIOD is a two digit alpha-numeric data string. (e.g. 01, 1A, A1, etc…)
300 Course Section Record COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies how the course was taught to the students during the school year. (single part course, two part course, etc…)
300 Course Section Record NON-CAMPUS-BASED-INSTRUCTION-CODE is used to identify courses, for which a student can earn grades and/or credit, that are not taught by district or campus staff. In cases where this code is other than “00”, no 305 Teacher Class Assignment record is reported.
300 Course Section Record Non-Campus Based Instruction Codes are: 01-College Campus Based Course 02-Electronic/Internet/Correspondence Course 03-Non-District Teacher 04-Electronic Course Program (eCP) 05-Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) 06-Non-Campus Teacher at Other District Facility 07-JJAEP 08-Credit by Exam (New for ) 99-Other.
305 Teacher Assignment Record The new 305 Teacher Assignment captures the classroom assignments for classroom teachers only (Role IDs 047 and 087) serving grades This information is used to link back to the 300 Course Section record in order to identify the classes that a particular teacher taught.
305 Teacher Assignment Record The data key for the 305 Teacher Class Assignment record is: INPUT-RECORD-TYPE-CODE, DISTRICT-ID, CAMPUS-ID, STAFF-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE, and ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE.
305 Teacher Assignment Record The CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE on each 305 Teacher Assignment record must match an entry on some 300 Course Section record where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE- SEQUENCE-CODE is the same.
305 Teacher Assignment Record ROLE-ID captures the role of the staff reported to ensure that only classroom teachers are being reported. Role IDs reported on this record are limited to 047 – Substitute Teacher and 087 – Teacher. All other staff roles are not reported in Submission 3.
305 Teacher Assignment Record SERVICE-ID is limited to those services that are valid student course codes. Do not report the SA, SR, or SS series SERVICE-ID codes (e.g. SR – Discipline Management) on the 305 Teacher Assignment record. Do not report Locally Developed courses that begin with an “8” or “9”.
305 Teacher Assignment Record SERVICE-IDs reported on a 305 Teacher Assignment record must match an entry on the 300 Course Section record. Campus, Service ID, Class ID Number, and Course Sequence Code must match between the 300 Course Section and 305 Teacher Assignment records.
305 Teacher Assignment Record COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies how the course was taught to the students during the school year. (single part course, two part course, etc…)
305 Teacher Assignment Record POPULATION-SERVED-CODE identifies the population for which the class was designed (e.g. Regular Students, Special Education, Career and Technical Education, Gifted and Talented, etc…). Each class can only have one POPULATION- SERVED-CODE value reported.
305 Teacher Assignment Record CLASS-ROLE identifies the teacher as either the teacher as a “Teacher of Record”, an “Assistant Teacher”, or a “Support Teacher”. Each class will have only one “Teacher of Record” at a time, but may have one or more “Assistant Teachers” or “Support Teachers” depending on the teaching arrangement.
305 Teacher Assignment Record ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE identifies the date(s) a teacher was assigned, or reassigned, to a particular course section in the current school year. ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE identifies the last date(s) a teacher was assigned, or reassigned to a particular course section in the current school year.
305 Teacher Assignment Record School Year Reporting Requirements Districts must report a record for each teacher of record assigned to a class throughout the year, starting with the last Friday in October. The ASSIGNMENT-BEGIN-DATE and ASSIGNMENT-END-DATE must be set to the actual dates the teacher was assigned to the class. Assistant Teachers and Support Teachers must be reported for a particular class. These additional teachers must share the same CLASS-ID-NUMBER as the Teacher of Record for the same classes.
415 Course Completion Record The 415 Course Completion record is reported for all students who were in membership at least one day and were assigned to at least one reportable course section.
415 Course Completion Record There should be at least one 415 Course Completion record for each student in membership in grades 1 through 12 that was enrolled in at least one course section during the current school year. Courses that were completed while the student was enrolled in another district should not be reported.
415 Course Completion Record The CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE- CODE on each 415 Course Completion record must match an entry on some 300 Course Section record where CAMPUS-ID, SERVICE-ID, CLASS-ID-NUMBER, and COURSE-SEQUENCE- CODE is the same.
415 Course Completion Record COURSE-SEQUENCE-CODE identifies how the course was taught to the student during the school year. (single part course, two part course, etc…)
415 Course Completion Record Do not report the SA, SR, or SS series SERVICE-ID codes (e.g. SR – Discipline Management) on the 415 Course Section record. SERVICE-ID is limited to those services that are valid student course codes. Do not report Locally Developed courses that begin with an “8” or “9”.
415 Course Completion Record STUDENT-BEGIN-DATE identifies the date(s) a student was assigned, or reassigned, to a particular course section in the current school year. STUDENT-END-DATE identifies the last date(s) a student was assigned, or reassigned to a particular course section in the current school year.
415 Course Completion Record PASS/FAIL/CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE The code table for this data element has three codes to accommodate students being reported with a 415 Course Completion record that do not complete the course, or did not take the course for high school credit. 00 – Not Applicable 13 - Non-High School Course Passed 14 - Non-High School Course Failed
415 Course Completion Record COURSE-COMPLETION-INDICATOR indicates the outcome of a particular course for a particular student. A value of “0” indicates that the student did not complete the course. A value of “1” indicates that the student did complete the course.
415 Course Completion Record A student can only complete a particular course section one time. If a student leaves and returns to the same course section(s), then the 415 records leading up to a potential completion are reported with a Course Completion Indicator of ‘0’.
415 Course Completion Record If the student retakes a class that was failed, then there must be a new Class ID Number associated with that course attempt.
415 Course Completion Record If the PASS/FAIL/CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE is reported as 00 – Not Applicable, for a particular class on a 415 Course Completion record, then the COURSE- COMPLETION-INDICATOR for that same record must be 0 – Course Not Completed. Reporting the PASS/FAIL/CREDIT-INDICATOR-CODE 00 – Not Applicable is limited to those cases where the student did not complete the course.
415 Course Completion Record COURSE-GRADEs and FINAL-COURSE-GRADEs are only reported for students taking courses taken for high school credit. COURSE-GRADE and FINAL-COURSE-GRADE are alpha-numeric fields and have for a Domain of Values: , P==, and F==. P== is for students passing a non-graded course and F== is for students failing a non-graded course.
415 Course Completion Record COURSE-GRADE identifies the grade the student received in the particular class. FINAL-COURSE-GRADE identifies the final course grade that the student received for a multi-part course. (e.g. a year long course with credit and grades awarded for each of the two semesters.) FINAL-COURSE-GRADE is only required when COURSE- GRADEs are averaged for courses with multiple parts to determine credit.
415 Course Completion Record School Year Reporting Requirements Districts must report a record for each class (course section) in which a student was enrolled throughout the year, starting with the last Friday in October, and including the courses that were completed before the last Friday in October.
415 Course Completion Record School Year Reporting Requirements STUDENT-BEGIN-DATEs and STUDENT-END- DATEs must be set to the actual dates the student enrolled in and last attended, or withdrew from, the unique course section.
415 Course Completion Record School Year Reporting Requirements If a student has completed any classes prior to the Last Friday in October, these course completion events must be reported. Course Completion events reported prior to the last Friday in October will require the matching 300 Course Section and the 305 Teacher Assignment records when applicable.
Classroom Link Special Topics Homebound Students Short term homebound students should remain in the course section with the “teacher of record” prior to moving into the homebound setting.
Classroom Link Special Topics Homebound Students For long term homebound students (full grading period/semester), the district should determine the “teacher of record” and report the 415 Course Completion records for the student(s) based on the definition of “teacher of record” (CLASS-ROLE “01”) from PEIMS code table C180.
Classroom Link Special Topics Discipline Alternative Education Program For students that are assigned to an in-district DAEP program, the 415 Course Completion records should reflect the course sections that are associated with the student’s “teacher of record” based upon the definition of “teacher of record” (CLASS-ROLE “01”) from PEIMS code table C180. If it is determined that the teaching staff at the DAEP program are not the “teacher(s) of record” for the student(s) assigned to the DAEP, then the students should continue to be assigned to the home campus course sections they were assigned to prior to being removed to the DAEP program.
Classroom Link Special Topics Discipline Alternative Education Program The home district campus that enrolls the student during out- of-district DAEP removals is responsible for creating the 300 Course Section and 415 Course Completion records that reflect the course sections the student was assigned while attending the DAEP program.
Classroom Link Special Topics Discipline Alternative Education Program (Out of District DAEP continued) For students that are assigned to an out-of-district DAEP, no 305 records are required in this situation. Use Non-Campus Based Instruction Code 03 on the 300 Course Section record for these course sections.
Classroom Link Special Topics Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program For students attending a JJAEP program, the students remain enrolled in the home district JJAEP campus. The home district campus that enrolls a student during a JJAEP removal is responsible for creating the 300 Course Section and 415 Course Completion records that reflect the course sections the student was assigned to while attending the JJAEP program. For students that are assigned to a JJAEP, no 305 records are required in this situation. Use Non Campus Based Instruction Code 07 on the 300 Course Section record for these students.