Human Resources Home Page * Responsibilities of HR department * A frame which links to : *Policies *Memo *Benefits *Forms *Opportunities *Information for HR department.
Policies * Rules for carrying drugs, sexual harassment, thefts, conflicts etc. * Policy on equal employment opportunity, benefits to employees, salary schedules, retirement schemes etc. * Security issues. * Many more policies can be included in this section.
Memo * New memos get listed here - giving information about the events conducted and to be conducted in the company. * Also includes online registration forms for forthcoming training programs and other activities in the company. * This section can also include information about employee birthdays, new appointments, transfers, promotion,marriages etc.
Benefits * Pop-up window includes names of all employees, selecting one of which, would give the information about that employee’s leave status, insurance level, date of joining, department etc. * This section can also include information on bonuses, next increment date and amount, next promotional level, benefits to the family, other perks etc. Access to this section should be limited only to individual employees and HR department.
Forms * Online Time-sheets * Online Vacation Request form. Here the HR department informs about the approval of leave online. * Online Expense Reimbursement form wherein expenses can be claimed on five categories like mileage, travel accommodation, travel dinning, entertainment and supplies.
Opportunities * Lists all the employment opportunities available in the company with the job title, department, Job ID number. * The Job ID number is a link which gives information about the qualifications required for the position and whether the vacancy is still open or not.
Information for HR only Information for HR only Employee Data * This section allows HR staff to work on the Employee data and update it from time to time. * Pop-up windows are provided for entering department’s name, designation and for updating employee information which is really convenient.
Information for HR only Information for HR only Memo * HR staff is given a provision to write memo like an , which goes directly to HR director for approval first and then is routed to the main memo listing. * It also has a provision for editing the memo.
Information for HR only Information for HR only Opportunity listing and appointment * This section again lists the opportunities available in the organization but now the Job ID number provides a link to the a form where an appointment could be made online for the interview. * A pop-up window for four time schedules for the interview. * Appointments are confirmed instantly.