Harold T. Barrett JHS Grade 6 Orientation
We are… …the BULLDOGS!!
School Website address: Current InformationHomework Teacher’s web pagesContacts Newsletters s Calendars AND MUCH MUCH MORE
About Our School Two grades : 7-8 in Homerooms (2 French Immersion – 4 English). 3 Grade 7 Homerooms (2 English/1 FI) A dynamic and caring teaching staff 1 Full time Secretary 1 Resource Teacher allocation 0.5 Learning Center Teacher allocation 40% Library Technician 20% Student Support Teacher 1 RCMP school liaison officer
Curriculum Language Arts Core French or FLA Social Studies Math Science Healthy Living Phys. Ed Electives – Band/Visual Arts/Technology Education
Assessment/Evaluations Formative/Summative Tests, Quizzes Journals, Projects Assignments, Presentations Peer/Self Assessments Class work, conferencing
Guidance Services provided: Individual counseling Group counseling Academic counseling Relationship counseling
Timetable 7:30-7:50: Arrival at school 7:50: Entrance bell 8:00-10: Periods :00: Break 10:15-12:15:Periods :15: Lunch 12:55-1:55: Periods :55: Dismissal
Student Involvement Student Leadership Athletics Fundraising Yearbook Volunteer opportunities (library, cafeteria, office, grounds keeping.)
Lunch time activities Intramurals Library Student leadership activities Yearbook Games Room Tech Ed/Art Room
Food Services Cafeteria at Break and Lunch (hot lunch program to be announced). Breakfast program run by volunteers (Tue, Wed, Thu). If interested in volunteering please contact the School
Computer Lab 32 HP computers Wireless network/internet Educational purposes only Security system/Procedures
Library Tuesdays and Thursdays (noon time too) Computers are available
Dress Code Shirts – messages, straps size… Hats Hoodies Skirts, shorts… (appropriate length). School is a student’s place of work and clothing must be in good taste.
Electronics Cell phones are to be “out of sight” during class time. A telephone is available for students in the office for emergencies. I-pods, MP3, Nintendo DS etc may be used at lunch and during the break only. “Ear Phones” not permitted.
Lockers All valuables, books, clothing will be stored in lockers. Only school locks may be used on lockers. Combination need to be kept private.
PEBS Positive behaviours are clearly taught (posters, agenda, school tours, mentor groups, classroom instruction) Positive behaviours are recognized daily, weekly and monthly (assemblies) with draws and prizes.
Student Fees $20 (down from $30) For: Student Agenda $2 Lock and locker (long term planning) $8 Student Leadership Activities/School-wide trip $10 School Advisory Council Approved
Safe Arrival/Lates If students are going to be late/absent for school, we need a call or a note from parents.