Grants Management Port Authority of Allegheny County As presented at TFLEX Conference August 20, 2002
Introduction Michael Whitico - Director of Accounting Kim Beaver - Manager of Grants Accounting Cathy Williams - Senior Grants Administrator Deb Harold - Senior Analyst Capital
Topics of Discussion Capital budgeting process Grant applications Federal issues Grants accounting Monitoring & reviewing capital projects Traditional to creative funding Project cashflow
Capital Budgeting Process Budget kickoff Divisional requests Prioritizing projects Management review Board approval
Grant Applications Federal guidelines C & A Matching against TIP, STIP & UPWP –Project programming status Scope, schedule and budget - project management Transportation Electronic Award and Management “TEAM”
Federal Issues Grant management guidelines –Federal Transportation Association C c Reporting requirements Triennial reviews
Grants Management FTA C C Provides guidelines and management procedures Intended to assist grantees in administering FTA-funded projects and in meeting grant responsibilities Reporting requirements, grant modifications, real property and equipment disposals
Reporting Requirements Quarterly reports –Milestone/progress Narratives of project activity Budget or schedule changes Status of milestones Outstanding claims > $100K
Reporting Requirements Quarterly reports (continued) –Milestone/progress Change orders > $100K Force account Transit enhancements –Financial status Costs and obligations
Triennial Review Mandated by congress –Once every three years FTA staff & outside contractors Review grants management performance and compliance with FTA requirements Document findings in draft
Triennial Review (Continued) Grantee comments Final release with possible corrective actions and follow-up –ECHO documentation, cost allocation plan, single audits, biennial inventory, quarterly reports and late grant closeouts
Grants Accounting Peoplesoft financials –Chart of accounts –Account coding “subclass” NTD info. –Tracks grant and project budget/actual activity –Capital quarterly reports –ECHO system wire transfer –Track reimbursements (cash) received –Grant revisions
Monitoring Capital Projects All capital projects are tracked within Peoplesoft Project descriptions, budgets, completion dates and project managers Imports data from general ledger, A/P, purchasing and payroll systems Capital representatives update project information on a monthly basis Formally review capital projects on a quarterly basis with upper management
Traditional to Creative Funding Traditional 80% federal 20% local Deferred local share Bond proceeds –Restricts use of future grants to meet debt requirements Results in additional record keeping and audit verification schedules
Major Capital Project Cashflows Stage II, Light Rail Vehicle Procurement and Overhaul, East Busway Extension, West Busway and Bus procurements Monthly reviews Updated quarterly –Actuals –Cashflow projections