Seventh Grade Mary Mother of the Redeemer School Mrs. Dahms Room 201: Religion and Social Studies Mrs. Lamparski Room 202: ILA and Science Mrs. Anastasia Room 213: ILA Mrs. Piccioni: Room 203: Religion and Math Ms. Reardon: Room 106: Honors Math
Responsibility/Homework Card ◦ Sent home on Thursday, sign and return on Friday Missing homework for week will be identified ◦ Weekly homework card entries will be reflected on trimester report cards. Attendance ◦ Call office when absent PLEASE send an absence note when returning to school School Day ◦ Begins at 8:30 AM. If late must go to school office (not late bus) Students begin arriving at 8:10 AM. Expected to be seated by 8:25 AM Snacks ◦ Mid morning-may have small snack (should fit into pencil case) ◦ Birthday treats are welcome ◦ Classrooms are peanut free…please keep snacks and class treats peanut free General Policies for seventh grade
Seventh grade continued… New sense of independence ◦ Lockers Support your child ◦ “Help” with homework when asked ◦ Provide a quiet study area, consistent study/homework time ◦ Have necessary supplies on hand for homework/study ◦ Encourage checking teacher homework website (ok for parent to check also) ◦ Pay attention to due dates Behavior ◦ Inappropriate behavior will not be accepted ◦ Check student handbook online ◦ When needed, yellow slips/orange slips will be issued
Uniforms: (Please review Student Handbook) Boys ◦ Must wear belts ◦ Appropriate hair length ◦ Socks over ankles ◦ Shirts must have MMR logo Girls ◦ Skirt length (2 inches above knee) ◦ No make-up ◦ 1 post earring in each ear lobe only ◦ No nail polish ◦ Jewelry Watch Religious pendant All students must wear lanyard with nametag at all times. Nametag will remain in school at all times.
Social Studies Journey Through American History: From the Ice Age to Pre- Civil War Geography Native Americans Colonialism Exploration American Revolution Birth of the Country Government Religion A journey through Jesus and his life; New Testament ◦ Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Works of Mercy, Rosary, Virtues, etc…
Religion and Social Studies: Homework ◦ Workbook ◦ Study: review notes, make flash-cards, etc… Performance Assessments/Projects ◦ Most work done in school…may require research at home ◦ All group work done in school ◦ Mini Projects Assessment ◦ Several assessments will be given throughout each trimester. These will vary in types: written tests, debates, group work, mini speeches, posters, pamphets, etc…
English Language Arts Reading Grammar/Writing Vocabulary
Reading Selection tests Reading Summaries Accelerated Reader Quizzes (3) Presentation/Project Novel
Vocabulary Week One Words and definitions Week Two Book pages Publisher test as graded homework assignment
Week Three Vocabulary Story
Grammar and Writing Maintenance Daily Edits Grammar tests Major piece of writing with rubric Journal writing Presentation/ Project
Technolog y At school ◦ Classroom Computers ◦ Computer Lab/Library computers ◦ Smart Board ◦ Lap top Cart At home ◦ Teacher website: This is a place to inquire about classroom information, updates, homework, test schedules, project due dates, etc… ◦ Internet
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year! We appreciate your sending your children to MMR school and want to thank you for choosing us to educate your children!
Interview with God