EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris ATBI+M sustainability WP7 ”Applying Taxonomy to Conservation”
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris EDIT WP7 objectives Strengthening the input of scientific taxonomic expertise in Europe for biodiversity conservation programs and management, especially for inventories, assessments, and monitoring of biodiversity; Furthering development and promotion of standards, techniques and methodologies for cost efficient biodiversity assessments including a new approach for an "All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory & Monitoring" (ATBI+M) program; Establishing a European expert task force for undertaking and supporting biodiversity inventories, assessments, and monitoring activities
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris (EDIT) ATBI+M approach EDIT WP7: establishes EDIT ATBI+M pilot sites for areas of conservation concern in and outside Europe in need/want of inventory data organizes and supports teams of taxonomic experts for field work to update/complete inventories and undertake monitoring at pilot sites tests and develops new standards, protocols, and tools for efficient field recording techniques (geo-referencing, field-based ID techniques, GUIDs for records & specimens, etc.) delivers primary occurrence data as digital records (compatible with current standard protocols) and host in openly accessible web-based information systems (GBIF: for current and future use
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris Role of EDIT (WP7) EDIT takes on: negotiating and concluding agreements (MOU) with relevant authorities and local counterparts for operating individual ATBI+M pilot sites; networking taxonomists and researchers from EDIT partner institutions (and beyond) for participation in ATBI+M sites, including setting up agreements for individual participation (TOR); organizing and supporting field work (travel, accommodation) by individual EDIT participants at ATBI+M pilot sites, including support for data capture/recording and data management; organizing digital ( primary occurrence ) data delivery and integration from individual ATBI+M participants for local counterparts and conservation management, including hosting digital data in web-based information systems and linking to GBIF.
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris Issuing research / collecting permits On site logistics In kind contributions ATBI+M concept: Towards a pilot site Memorandum of Understanding Protected area EDIT-WP7 Recruiting experts Financial support (travel) Data management
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris No employment by EDIT (!) Best practise sampling Data recording and delivery Open access publishing ATBI+M concept: Individual participation Formal agreement: Terms of Reference EDIT-WP7 Transport and daily allowances Coordination Data management Data online presentation Expert
Conservation Stakeholder Workshop June, Berlin All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories + Monitoring European EDIT ATBI+M sites operate now in 4 selected areas SlovakiaGermany Mercantour National ParkAlpi Marittime Nature Park UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Spreewald ItalyFrance Gemer Region (3 NPs): Muránska Planina, Slovenský Raj, Slovenský Kras
Conservation Stakeholder Workshop June, Berlin ATBI+M Mercantour / Alpi Marittime (since 2007): > 160 taxonomists > species ATBI+M Gemer Region (since 2008): > 40 taxonomists > species ATBI+M Participation & Results ATBI+M - Participation & Results Number of species
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris EDIT ATBI+M data portal
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris Testing of digital recording tools Fieldwork Data collection Export in standardised formats (shape-files, dbf-files, etc.) Automated recording of GPS coordinates Automated recording of date & time Species authority lists Habitat data Photos Facilitated data entry GBIF distribution maps species maps Output © M. Bos, A. Turpaud, A. Schäfer-Verwimp ATBI+M - Data recording
Conservation Stakeholder Workshop June, Berlin ATBI+M - Field Manual Contents Principles of large biodiversity inventories Records and data management Technology based methos Bioacoustics, Camera-trapping, DNA-barcoding Habitat oriented methods Forest Canopy, Soil & litter, limnology, marine biology Taxa oriented methods Fungi, bryophytes, higher plants, invertebrates, arthropods, insects, vertebrates... Find here the tips & tricks to optimise your field work
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris ATBI+M concept: Resources Expert Scientific coordinator On-site manager IT expert Transport and daily allowances (country-dependent) Six person months (6 PMs) per year / ATBI+M site Three person months (3 PMs) per year / ATBI+M site Six person months (6 PMs) per year / ATBI+M site In kind contributions Expert work time / knowledge and institutional support !!!
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris ATBI+M operational costs: 1 European site (example Mercantour / Alpi Marittime) Coordinator (senior scientist) € Site manager € Field days € € € IT expert € Total € € €
EDIT BoD meeting 22 & 23 June 2010, Paris Sustainability costs ATBI+M / European site / year Personal costs Coordinator (senior) € Site manager7.500 € IT expert (senior) € Participation Field work (50 expert weeks): Transport (300 € / trip) € Field work (50 expert weeks): Daily allowances € Consumables / equipment5.000 € Total €