Resume Writing Putting Your Best Foot Forward!
What is a Resume? A Resume is: A personal data sheet A short summary of important facts
Why Should You Prepare a Resume? Helps to complete job application Demonstrates potential to an employer Shows organization, preparedness and seriousness about getting a job Can be used to refer to during an interview
Types of Resumes There are 2 types of resumes: General Resume Used by people who want to apply for several different jobs No objective Specific Resume Used by people applying for a specific job at a specific location Has an objective
What Should be Included? Personal Information (General & Specific) Full Name Complete Address Phone Number Job Objective (Specific) Should be clearly and concisely written
What Should be Included? Education (General & Specific) List in reverse chronological order Dates of attendance Name and location of the schools Curriculum Studied Diploma or degree earned If still in school place your expected graduation month and year in parenthesis next to diploma or degree
What Should be Included? Work Experience (General & Specific) Include all paid and volunteer work Any kind of work shows responsibility List in reverse chronological order Include dates of employment Include names and locations of the companies Include job titles held
What Should be Included? Work Skills (General) Skills learned in school or somewhere else are important Employers carefully examine your skills to see if they can be utilized within their company Speaking experience Language fluency Computer skills
What Should be Included? Sales ability Mathematical problem-solving Many others Memberships (Specific) Include those in professional organizations or career related clubs and associations Section can be eliminated if you don’t belong to any
What Should be Included? Honors, achievements, and other interests (General & Specific) Can sometimes be substituted for actual work experience Participation in sports, music, along with any special recognitions (honor roll) should also be listed
What Should be Included? References (General & Specific) Current thinking is references are not necessary (Avoid Resume Pitfalls – Nov – AZ Republic) On a general resume they are usually listed on the resume On specific resume they are generally listed as “Available on Request”
What Should be Included? References should include: Person’s name and title Company name Complete address Telephone number including area code References should be: Former employers, teachers or neighbors Should not be family or friends
Why Not Give References in Advance? You don’t want an employer calling references before you even interview You want to let your references know ahead of time that they may be contacted
Recruiters’ Resume Pet Peeves Spelling errors, typos, and poor grammar Too duty-oriented. Reads like a job description Fails to explain accomplishments Dates not included or inaccurate dates No contact information or inaccurate information Poor formatting Is more than one page
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