Together we can unlock your child’s potential. We are a PARTNERSHIP! 4 th Grade Michele Fouch Cedar Lane Elementary Welcome to Back-to-School Night
Welcome to Room 34 Please make your way to the back corner of the room. Please sign the forms at each sign. On each desk is a welcome bag with our class handbook, as well as a student info sheet for you to fill out about your child. The blue Dismissal Form and white Emergency Form must be filled out before you leave this evening.
INSTRUCTION Differentiation Fundamental Five 212 Authentic learning opportunities
Math Students will be challenged at their math level. – All classes will use enrichment materials and differentiation. – Students need to continue to practice their multiplication facts at home. (Reflex)Reflex – Math homework given most nights. (Monday – Thursday)
Science We will use many hands-on experiments and group work, as well as the integration of Science into other subject areas. Some topics that will be covered: – Scientific Investigation – Planets in the Solar System – Ecosystems – Metric Measurement – Weather – Force, Motion, Energy – Electricity and Magnetism – Virginia Resources
Social Studies Virginia Studies Your child will have an exciting year learning all about geography, history, government, & economy of Virginia.
Writing Fine tune the use of paragraphs. Continue to work on grammatical skills. Students will write critically across all subject areas. Spelling – Words Their Way – meet the student at their spelling level. Word Study homework for the week. Assessment on Friday.
Reading The focus is on helping your child to not only become a good reader, but to truly enjoy reading. Have your child read 20 minutes every night, and fill out the reading log. Please monitor their nightly reading. Reading and all other subjects will be integrated.
Classroom Management School-wide Positive Behavior Support (PBIS) Classroom Behavior Plans School-wide behaviors Posters, paw signs, “shhhhh…Lion” An engaged student = a well- behaved student
Weekly No more than 60 minutes of homework per night, this includes 20 minutes of reading. Agendas will be filled out daily and should be checked by you nightly. Friday Folders go home weekly, envelope needs to be signed by you. All graded papers go in the folder. Weekly s are sent home.
Specials Schedule P.E.: 3 days per week (wear appropriate shoes) Music: 2 days per week Spanish: 1 day per week Art: 1 day per week Computer Lab: 2 days per week Library: 1 day per week Guidance: Once every other week Daily Schedule is in the Welcome Packet
Cedar Lane! Interactive notebooks are used in all subjects. Use for assessment review! Loudoun County Schools are promoting healthy eating habits. Please refrain from sending in any sugary snacks or treats. Always check in at the front office when you visit. ne ne Please visit the Cedar Lane (4 th Grade) website to see the learning objectives for the year.
HOMEWORK Homework is on the board when students arrive. Scholars copy the homework into the agenda. I post the homework on the Cedar Lane webpage for the week.
Make Sure To… Sign-up to volunteer if you can – we would love the help! (September 26 at 8:30) Sign-up for a conference time – take a reminder sheet home too! Check out the “Wish List” and make a donation if you can. Take all of your handouts home. Can you (or a man in your child’s life) be a Watch Dog Dad?
Thank you so much for coming this evening. Working as a team we really can unlock your child’s potential in all areas. We’re looking forward to a terrific year!