Food for Health & Fitness 9/4/14 Welcome to Class Block 5 – 12:26 - 12:46 Block 6 – 12:51 - 1:11 Block 7 – 1:16 – 1:36
Food for Health & Fitness Bell Ringer: none Welcome to Class Essential Question: How can knowing classroom rules lead to success in this course? Class Procedure: Attendance Introductions People scavenger hunt Syllabus, information card Snack activity Teaching Points: I can……: Pick from different food items and make a healthy snack List rules from the Food for Health & Fitness Syllabus Begin to use communication skill to grow socially with my class members Ticket out the door: Daily Journal What was the motivation for choosing the food item that you picked? Were you happy with your choice? What changes would you make or recommend? What is one thing you remember from the syllabus? Homework: Pay lab fee by 9/29/14
People Scavenger Hunt Ready. Set.. Go... Use the diagram to find people in the classroom who _________ Write that person’s name next to the corresponding bubble on your worksheet Talk to them about that experience; be able to report back to the class Find a different person for each bubble You have 15 minutes… Ready. Set.. Go...
9/9/14 Bell Ringer: What is the cell phone policy in this class. Write answer in your journal Essential Question: How can I make choices that lead to good health? Class Procedure: Fire drill policy Pre-test Explain CO-OP Pass out notebooks, books Chapter one: around the room reading Graphic organizer, vocabulary Teaching Points: I can……: The four aspects of wellness Describe influences on food choices Explain how appetite, hunger, and flavor affect wellness Ticket out the door: What is your favorite food and why you enjoy it. At least 5 complete sentences Homework: Pay lab fee Be sure to bring your notebook to class
9/11 Bell Ringer: Write down in your journal All the foods you ate yesterday……. Essential Question: How can Wellness lead to a better life? What are the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast? Class Procedure: Grab a book, chapter 1 review Graphic organizer, vocabulary page as a group, vocabulary match up game. Breakfast Because Video- fill out video sheet. Teaching Points: I can….. The four aspects of wellness Describe influences on food choices Explain how appetite, hunger, and flavor affect wellness Ticket out the door: What is your favorite breakfast foods? Why are they nutritious or not? Homework: Pay $10.00 lab fee so you are able to be in the kitchen to prepare food
9/15/14 Bell Ringer: Essential Question: Name three healthy breakfast foods that require a minimum of time and preparation Essential Question: How can researching careers help me with my future plans? Class Procedure: Review chapter one Graphic organizer Vocabulary matchup Career Cube Activity Teaching Points I can:…… Investigate many career options Ticket out the door: What career do you think was the most interesting? Why? Homework: Pay Fee $$$$$$$ Chapter 1 quiz next class Wear sneakers to class on Friday
9/17/14 Bell ringer: Look over chapter one Essential Question: Class Procedure: Finish career cube – 10 minutes Chapter one quiz Kitchen groups Kitchen rules – student contract Chapter 5 – Food safety –pair & share Set up Remind 101 – Ticket out the door: Why do you think your responsibilities are to keeping food safe to eat? What ways have you handled food safely at home? Essential Question: What is food borne illness? What is the proper way to wash your hands? Teaching Point: I can….. Discuss how to protect food from cross contamination Explain proper kitchen sanitation Describe the causes, effects, and treatment of foodborne illness. I can distinguish between a good breakfast and a bad breakfast. Homework: Be sure to wear your sneakers Friday.
9/19/14 Bell Ringer: Do you have your sneakers today??? Class Procedure: Fitness Friday – Stations, fill out activity sheet at each station Snack Day – for those that have paid their fee Ticket out the door: What was your favorite activity today? Why? How much exercise should you get every day? Essential Question: Why does physical activity require smart food choices Teaching Point: I can….. Accomplish 8 station during fitness activities Feel a difference in my heart rate. Homework: Have a nice weekend
9/23/14 - ½ day Bell Ringer: Essential Question: Class Procedure: Lunch around the world CO-OP paperwork ???????????? Class Procedure: Snack Activity HALF-DAY SCHEDULE BLOCK 5 7:40 - 8:18 BLOCK 6 8:23 - 9:01 BLOCK 7 9:06 - 9:44 BLOCK 8 9:49 - 10:10 Essential Question: How can I plan a portable snack that is healthy and under 100 calories? Teaching Point: I can….. Make a snack in a bag that is nutritious Compare the calories and nutrients in several snack items Homework: Wear your closed toe shoes to lab on Thursday
9/25/14 Bell Ringer: State one important rule of the food lab that you must abide by today? Class Procedure: Knife Lab: Apple sauce Ticket out the door: Knife Evaluation Lab sheet Essential Question: How can I make a nutritious snack with one apple. What is the proper handling of a knife? Teaching Point: I can….. Use a knife properly I can follow directions in the lab I can be a team member of my kitchen group
9/29/14 Essential Question: Bell Ringer: Teaching Point: I can….. How can learning about food Borne illnesses protect me from getting sick? Teaching Point: I can….. Investigate the source of food borne pathogens, symptoms of related illnesses and methods of prevention Evaluate factors that impact food safety from production through consumption, including growing, processing, transporting, and handling Homework: Wear shoes for lab day. Bell Ringer: State one rule in the kitchen for proper sanitation. Class Procedure: Fill out fill for folder box Video: Food-Borne Illness Bad bug poster project – work in groups of 2 to complete Plan Lab of Wednesday Ticket out the door: How does the government protect consumers from food-borne illnesses?
10/1/14 Bell Ringer: Get your lab sheet out of crate. Class Procedure: Breakfast lab – Follow all lab procedures and recipe Work as a TEAM Ticket out the door: Is your kitchen as clean as it was when you arrived???? If a serving is 2 pancakes for your recipe , how many calories were the pancakes? Essential Question: How can I make a nutritious breakfast? Teaching Point: I can….. Implement safety procedures in laboratory situations Use sanitation principles in the food laboratory environment based on current industry regulations Prepare and assess a basic nutritious food product in food laboratory setting Define food preparation terminology Homework: Wear active wear and sneakers to next class
10/3/14 Bell Ringer: Essential Question: Teaching Point: I can….. Please be kind and considerate today Class Procedure: United States Army Fitness Friday Ticket out the door: Thank you to our guests Essential Question: How can I learn what a PT test is for a soldier? Teaching Point: I can….. Investigate resources available to address a variety of nutrition and fitness issues Analyze the effects of physical activity and fitness on overall well-being Homework:
10/7/14 Bell Ringer: Essential Question: Class Procedure If a serving is 2 pancakes and one pancake is 256 calories , how many calories were the pancakes? Class Procedure Bad bug poster project – work in groups of 2 to complete – (20 minutes) library Thank you note to Guest speakers, sign………. Chapter 5 & 6 in note books must be complete Quiz – open book Ticket out the door: Plan lab for Wednesday Essential Question: How can learning about food Borne illnesses protect me from getting sick? Teaching Point: I can….. Investigate the source of food borne pathogens, symptoms of related illnesses and methods of prevention Evaluate factors that impact food safety from production through consumption, including growing, processing, transporting, and handling Homework: Wear shoes for lab day.
10/9/14 Bell Ringer: Class Procedure: Ticket out the door: Homework: What is one illness to be careful of that you may come in contact with today? Class Procedure: Cookie Comparison Lab Follow all rules of the lab Make and Take cookies Ticket out the door: Turn in cookie evaluation , one per student Essential Question: What are ingredients that can make a recipe healthier? Teaching Point: I can….. Identify and interpret the information on food product nutrition labels Prepare and assess a basic nutritious food product in food laboratory setting Identify safety hazards in the kitchen, and formulate procedures for their elimination Homework: Have a nice long weekend
10/14/14 Ticket out the door: Bell Ringer: None Essential Question: Class Procedure: Review chapter 5 & 6 Present posters to class Open book quiz Chapter 7 – Nutrients: From Food to You, Video: Basic Nutrients (20 min.) Complete video worksheet Ticket out the door: Turn in Video Sheet Essential Question: Why are basic nutrients so important to your body? Teaching Point: I can….. Explain the role of food in the body Identify the functions of nutrients in the body as they relate to health and wellness Homework: Fitness class & snack on Thursday
10/16/14 Essential Question: Class Procedure: Fitness Thursday – track Bell Ringer: How does the body use protein? Can you get too much protein? Class Procedure: Fitness Thursday – track Snack day – complete granola snack recipe Follow all lab procedures Ticket out the door: Make sure your kitchens are clean Essential Question: What type of exercise is walking and is it beneficial to my wellness? Teaching Point: I can….. Apply management skills to the safe handling and storage of foods Analyze the effects of physical activity and fitness on overall well-being Prepare and assess a basic nutritious food product in food laboratory setting Homework: Have a nice weekend
10/20/14 Essential Question: Class Procedure: What do you think would happen if a person did not get enough nutrients? Teaching Point: I can….. Explain the relationship between energy needs, caloric intake and weight management .Analyze the effects of physical activity and fitness on overall well-being .Explain ways in which individual dietary needs are affected by health, age and lifestyle .Investigate resources available to address a variety of nutrition and fitness issues Homework: Bell Ringer: Grab your notebook only Class Procedure: Chapter 7 – each table groups completes a page in the notebook to share with the class. Lab: Test for hidden fats. Ticket out the door: Vocabulary Game – winners get a prize
10/22/14 Bell Ringer: Vocabulary Game – winners get a prize Class Procedure: Build a Burrito lab Fill out lab sheet Calculate calories on computer lab or at Mrs. B’s desk - Ticket out the door: Turn in your evaluation sheets Essential Question: How can I make a nutritious meal out of just a few items? Teaching Point: I can….. Prepare and assess a basic nutritious food product in food laboratory setting Explain the role of food in the body Homework: None
10/27/14 Essential Question: Homework: Bell Ringer: What did you eat today? What did you eat yesterday? How might your food choices been improved Class Procedure: Nutrient Match up Brain Gym! Wake UP!! Page 33-34 Puzzle Dietary Guidelines Begin Chapter 8 – Vocabulary & graphic organizer Ticket out the door: None Essential Question: What are good reasons to eat better and a variety of foods? Teaching Point: I can….. Explain the relationship between energy needs, caloric intake and weight management List and explain dietary guidelines Homework:
10/29/14 Essential Question: Class Procedure: Bell Ringer: Homework: State one rule to follow in the lab today Class Procedure: Snack lab for Halloween – caramel popcorn balls Chapter 8 – Dietary Guidelines Energy Balance Video Ticket out the door: Clean up the kitchens Essential Question: Is it possible to make a healthy popcorn snack? Teaching Point: I can….. Prepare and assess a basic nutritious food product in food laboratory setting Homework: Bring a snack if you like
10/31/14 half day Bell Ringer: Class Procedure: Essential Question: Do pumpkins float or sink in water? Yes or No, around the room Class Procedure: Did you know that a single 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin provides 4 grams of fiber, no fat or cholesterol, and only 50 calories? Pumpkin also has more beta-carotene per serving than any other common food. Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, and that may protect against heart disease and some cancers. CTE Forms Summary sheets Snack day – Essential Question: Why is it important to keep track of what you eat? Teaching Point: I can….. List and explain dietary guidelines Homework: Halloween tracker- due next class
11/4/14 Class Procedure: Bell Ringer: Essential Question: Halloween tracker due Class Procedure: Library the first half of class to complete your summary sheet of your daily food intake. Follow the directions on the handout to complete the assignment. Article summary Ticket out the door: Essential Question: Why is it important to keep track of what you eat? Teaching Point: I can….. Identify the functions of nutrients in the body as they relate to health and wellness Explain ways in which individual dietary needs are affected by health, age and lifestyle Homework:
11/6/14 Class Procedure: Bell Ringer: Ticket out the door: Guest Speaker today – JWU Ticket out the door: State one important item of information you were interested in from the guest speaker Essential Question: Why is it important to learn about secondary school options? Teaching Point: I can….. Analyze career paths within the professions of nutrition, culinary arts, food production, and food services industries Explore opportunities for employment in nutrition, culinary arts, food preparation, food production, and food service industries Homework: