Guided Inquiry – a valuable higher order thinking framework Presented by: Jenny Scheffers Teacher Librarian 2012
Guided Inquiry Guided Inquiry is defined as, “carefully planned, closely supervised targeted intervention of an instructional team of school librarians and teachers to guide students through curriculum based inquiry units that build deep knowledge and deep understanding of a curriculum topic, and gradually lead towards independent learning. Ross Todd (SCAN 2006) * 2007- commenced trialling Guided Inquiry in CCPS Library © Guided Inquiry is copyrighted by Dr. Carol Kuhlthau and Dr. Ross Todd
Features continued students are seen as active agents in constructing their own knowledge and meaning includes motivation and emotion as vital components in sustained knowledge construction grounded in a constructivist approach to learning - an open-ended investigation based on the Information Search Process (I.S.P.) developed by Carol Kuhlthau
Elements of Guided Inquiry: Carol Kuhlthau’s The Information Search Process (I.S.P.) - 7 steps Feelings, Thoughts & Actions associated with I.S.P. (Kuhlthau) SLIM Toolkit Surveys (or modified Skinny Toolkit Surveys) Additional: Student self reflection learning journals - CCPS library
The Information Search Process * Refer to handout & posters Stages of Information Search Process Initiation Task introduced Brainstorm existing knowledge Selection Start to build background knowledge Narrow your area of interest Exploration Further build background knowledge You seek a broad understanding of the chosen topic. Formulation You develop your line of enquiry and area of debate Collection You collect & analyze in-depth information about focus area Presentation You synthesise your information and plan or draft relevant essay etc. Submit or present final work Assessment Teacher/ peer/ self. Feelings (Affective) Uncertainty Optimism Confusion Frustration Doubt THE DIP! Clarity Sense of direction / Confidence Satisfaction or Disappointment Self reflection Thoughts (Cognitive) Vague Confused Focused Increased interest Increased self-awareness Actions (Physical) Seeking relevant Exploring information pertinent Documenting
What’s in the SLIM Toolkit? There are three reflection sheets; administered at the beginning, middle & end of research unit Question 1. Take some time to think about your topic. Now write down what you know about it. Question 2. How interested are you in this topic? Question 3. How much do you know about this topic? Question 4. When you do research, what do you generally find easy to do? Question 5. When you do research, what do you generally find difficult to do? This is where you gain evidence for individual and group interventions. Last question only in Reflection Sheet 3. Question 6. What did you learn in doing this research unit? Should relate to skills of information seeking and use – not really another statement of what they know. VERY TIME CONSUMING!
Skinny (modified) Toolkit surveys Surveys no. 1 & no. 2: 1.What do you know / more do you know about the topic? (MUST be answered in full sentences) 2. What difficulties are you having with your research?
Survey 3 1. What do you now know about your chosen topic? 2. Thinking back on your research, what did you find the most difficult to do? Please tick as many things as you like. 3. Thinking back on your research, what did you find the easiest to do? Please tick as many things as you like. 4. What skills did you learn in doing this research project? List as many things as you like. 5. What did you enjoy about this research unit? List as many things as you like. 6. How did you feel choosing your own subtopic to study and designing your own research questions?
Skinny Toolkit surveys used to analyze each students progress whilst unit progressing maybe used as Evidence-Based Practice tool most students take surveys seriously – seem to enjoy self reflecting accurate completion of surveys & journals require specific skills development © Guided Inquiry is copyrighted by Dr. Carol Kuhlthau and Dr. RossTodd
Year 5 Survey comments Survey 2: Topic: Endangered rainforest animals I understand that endangered species are losing their homes and environment because of cutting down trees, slash and burn etc. It’s also because of the poachers, for animals’ fur and teeth. I think poachers need to stop this! We need to save rainforest animals from poaching and rainforest threats like slash and burn. We also need them for the ecosystem for reseeding and the growth of plants. Cooper 5C Survey 3: Topic: What is the future of the world’s rainforests? The rainforests of our world are too beautiful to destroy. The rainforest is the place we get out food, medicines and household appliances like rubber. Without the rainforests, plants and amazing animals, the rainforest would just be a dark place. Rainforests are very wondrous places with yet to be discovered species. Mitchell 5N
Student learning journals (additional element of G.I. @ CCPS Library ) Lined sheets with 3 columns for: date teaching & learning activity students’ feelings, thoughts & reasons (full sentences)
5C’s Journal entries Initiation: I felt happy and excited to work with my partner. I’m ready to learn even about rainforests next week. Cooper Selection: I felt pleased with my partner because we cooperated better and friendlier and we respect each other’s opinions. Jessica J. Today my partner and I worked excellent together but I was sad when I saw all the trees in the YOU Tube video cut and slashed. Rida Exploration: I felt happy because me and Zali got a lot done and she’s a really nice fun, outgoing person, if you get to know her better. Jessica J. Formulation (of own Focus & Contributing research questions): Today me and my buddy did a god job on a challenging task. I was nervous when we were going to do the second part of the task (question formulation). We did a good job with the help of Mrs Collins and Mrs Scheffers. Sumith Collection: Today Charlotte and I felt shocked and horrified because we saw terrible things happening to the pangolin. Some people that do that should be ashamed of themselves for doing terrible things to them (pangolins). Rida
Examples of C.P.T. G.I. Unit – Webquests: (refer to NSW Country Areas Program) 2010- Year 6 Was King Tutankhamun murdered? 2011- Year 5 Rainforest $20000 donation to chosen conservation group “True” GI Units (pairs of students chose own subtopic & designed own research questions) 2009 Year 4 Australian Explorers 2011- Year 6 Antarctica GI Unit 2012 Term 1 5D & 5W The Great Barrier Reef 2012 Term 1 5C & 5N Rainforests 2012 Term 1 3/4L Australian States & Territories
Student Organisation work with a partner of their choice or nominated by class teacher each student issued with a research booklet, kept in plastic sleeve together with partner’s booklet booklet contained: sequenced scaffolds/ proformas, 3 Skinny toolkit surveys, journal sheets
I.S.P. activities Initiation: Task explained to class. Whole class brainstorming and discussion of students’ prior knowledge about topic (using the IWB). Students organised into pairs and issued with their own research booklets. Selection: Build background knowledge - pairs of students complete a general internet search of topic, using bookmarked websites and non fiction books. Viewing, notetaking & discussing of several YouTube documentary clips and or DVDs. Exploration: Pairs of students narrow area of research - select 2 or 3 subtopics that are of personal interest, research further. Decide on final subtopic to focus research on.
I.S.P. activities continued Formulation: Pairs of students design own Focus (big) & Contributing (small) questions, after process is modelled by teachers. Students write final questions on Puzzle question proforma. Collection: Using various websites & non fiction resources, students locate & record relevant keyword information which helps answer contributing questions. Colour in puzzle pieces on proforma. Students collate and analyse findings in order to formulate own answer to focus question. Presentation: Students use synthesised findings to draft final text (eg. exposition, explanation). Students then use a presentation tool (eg. Microsoft Publisher, PowerPoint, Photo Story) to present work to classmates, using IWB. Assessment: by teachers, peers & self (eg. student/ teacher assessment rubrics,Skinny surveys, journal entries, teacher observations)
Benefits of Guided Inquiry @ Caddies Creek PS backed by research in USA (more than 20 years) & Australia (recent) building of background knowledge provides a sounder footing for launching of enquiry students feel ownership of own enquiry, purposeful, motivated addresses the emotional rollercoaster students find themselves on students are supported through the whole research process by teacher (and teacher librarian) “Lifts the bar” for teaching & learning - Higher order thinking involved in construction of knowledge & own meaning. components of Quality Teaching SLIM & Skinny surveys provide valuable tools for Evidence Based Practice & insights into students’ learning & emotions aspects of G.I. may be incorporated/ adapted into classroom & RFF programs © Guided Inquiry is copyrighted by Dr. Carol Kuhlthau and Dr. RossTodd
Year 5 students’ views re G.I. 6. How did you feel choosing your own topic to study and designing your own research questions? I felt awestruck the whole time. I was so interested that I did not muck around. It was fun! Jai 5W I felt great doing my own research because I had more control over my research and presentation, giving me more responsibility. Mitchell 5W I felt happy because we didn’t have to do all the same thing. It was better because everyone had different ideas and no one had the same text in their work. Daniel G 5D I felt fine because I liked choosing our own topic; it makes it (research) more fun! Whitney 5C I felt challenged and stressed but it turned out really fun. Jessica 5C
Integration of Guided Inquiry into classroom programs HSIE Science & Technology Literature / author studies Creative Arts - research of famous artists, musicians, dancers Use / modify various aspects of G.I. eg. selection of own subtopics of personal interest, question formulation, proformas, Skinny surveys, journals, bulk loan of books from Library, use of class Computer lab time Jenny willing to assist with developing program & proformas Note: not all units suit G.I. BAN the “Bird Projects” !!! Avoid setting homework projects!!! presentation saved in Staff Data Folder
Video Interview of Sally & Libby End of Term 1 2012 Questions & Discussion