Thoughts about collaboration between University in Semarang and Univ. of Copenhagen GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT
Contents Partners Vision, mission and specific objectives Academic focus areas of the collaboration Proposed work areas (activities) Other issues – Management/governance – Collaboration/coordination
Collaborative Partners University (-ies) in Semarang Faculty of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management (IGN) at University of Copenhagen (UOC)
Vision of University Collaboration to strengthen universities in Semarang through partnerships with IGN at UOC in Denmark. The long-term goal is to develop institutions that: – play an increasing role in the economic, social and political development of the societies in which they are located; – function as nodes of innovation and knowledge production, helping to provide solutions to local and global challenges; – produce skilled and motivated graduates who contribute to the further development of their societies
Goal (development objective) Sustained and sustainable growth and employment in Semerang and in Indonesia through capacity development in research, education and research dissemination
Immediate (specific) objectives 1.Growth and Employment relevant PhD education programmes strengthened and integrated in research policies of universities in Semarang by Number of academic staff with PhD qualifications in Growth and Employment relevant topics increased 3.Activity area based research activities and collaboration strengthened 4.Research knowledge effectively disseminated/extended to stakeholders
Growth and Employment platform Three thematic areas: – Economic development – Leadership and management – Agriculture and agribusiness
Academic focus areas Economic governance, public goods and development, Green Economy NRM and climate-growth nexus and adaptation policies Technology and innovation Food and feed production, value addition and processing, post harvest losses, quality assurance and certification Organization of producers and processors, knowledge management and innovation Commercialization and market access, marketing, credits, management and trade Value chain in the perspective of the firm
5 work areas/platform 1.Strengthening of PhD (research) education 2.Increasing the number of staff with PhD qualifications 3.Strengthening of research collaboration 4.Disseminating research knowledge to society 5.Managing/governing the collaborative activities
Key activities of WP1: Strengthening of research/PhD education Jointly develop and implement PhD courses (generic and topic-specific). Jointly develop and implement training course on PhD supervision
Key activities of WP2: Increasing the number of staff with PhD qualifications Announce a number of PhD scholarships Evaluate and select candidates based on agreed selection criteria and procedure
On the offered PhD scholarships… Eligability: For faculty staff < 40 years of age Topic must relate to one of the academic focus areas Candidates evaluated on academic qualifications/merit and relevance of proposal/synopsis (competitive) 3 year full time PhD study
Key activities of WP3: Strengthening of research collaboration Develop joint development of research proposals for external funding, eg. Danida, EU, development banks, private foundations Fund and undertake smaller research projects (S, S-S, S-N) Provide opportunities for research attachments in Denmark in connection with joint research proposals and smaller research projects
Key activities of WP4 : Dissemination of research knowledge to society Conduct research-based outreach seminars Produce policy briefs Produce manuals and leaflets Manage platform website Conduct end-of-phase seminars
Key activities of WP5: Managing/governing the platform Establish a Collaborative Working Group with representatives of Semarang and IGN/UOC Employ a coordinator (part time) in Semarang and in Denmark to ensure coordination, technical and financial reporting