DO NOW: **Take out completed HW and **List current/previous jobs, certifications, successful presentations, languages, travelling, anything else you think would be relevant to your career choice OBJECTIVES: Learn about resume writing & compare/contrast effective vs. non effective resumes HW: 1.Conduct online research for resumes in your career path [CareerBuilder, Monster, college sites] Look at layouts, styles, and wording 2.Find an internship posting related to your industry of choice on career boards or company websites – print & bring in [ex:] 3.Read through your internship posting and highlight each and every skill and requirement they are looking for Today’s…
A structured summary of a person’s education, employment background, and job qualifications A brief, persuasive business message intended to stimulate an employer’s interest in meeting you and learning more about you NOT to get you a job, but to get you an INTERVIEW What is a resumé ?
Work experience dominates Presents professional history in a clear arrangement REVERSE CHRONO order Chronological Functional Combination Types of resumés AKA “skills” resumé Emphasize skills & capabilities Skills & job history focus
Related volunteer work Clubs Relevant course work Internships Athletics INEXPERIENCE JOB TERMINATION Potential areas of concern & how to overcome Be honest Address their concerns w/ proof such as recommendations & examples of completed projects Allude to how you are improving so it won’t happen again
Treat your resumé with R E S P E C T - ONE MISTAKE can cost you an interview!!!!! Give yourself time – don’t put it off Learn from good models – check college websites, job boards Monster & CareerBuilder Just because Word has templates… doesn’t mean that it’s perfect. Adjust as needed – be DIFFERENT – not a copy Don’t get frustrated! There is more than 1 way to do it. Resumés are art & science – choose what works for you Be HONEST – employers check – not worth the lies! KEEP IN MIND!
What’s the purpose? Interview Target industries & companies Various jobs Hiring manager – check Linked In Paper – scannable – plain text – PDF – online – PPT/video - portfolio *Chrono* Functional - Combo Plan AnalyzeGather infoSelect mediumOrganize info Don’t forget the 3-STEPS!
Translate your education & experience into attributes the employer finds valuable “YOU” ATTITUDE! Write Adapt to your audience Compose the message
Clearly & succinctly Active, powerful words appropriate to the industry Professional tone Short phrases starting w/ action verb Avoid “I” QUANTIFY results $$$$$ Use specific examples Instead of saying it – prove it Write Adapt to your audience Compose the message
Use keywords: describe skills, attributes, experience; business & technical terms, systems, job titles, degrees study job descriptions catch computer’s attention Write Adapt to your audience Compose the message
Evaluate content, readability; rewrite for conciseness & clarity Effective design elements; clean & professional; text & graphics; quality paper & printer Layout errors, spelling, mechanics FOLLOW EMPLOYER DIRECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Complete ReviseProduceProofreadDistribute
NAME ADDRESS (use City, State only) PHONE NUMBER (professional!) URL – personal webpage, e-portfolio, social media resumé, CV What’s in a resumé ? NAME & CONTACT INFO- creative header
Specific job or career track Relate qualifications to employer need What’s in a resumé ? OBJECTIVE To obtain an internship position in the public relations industry Motivated graduate student seeking entry level accounting position
What’s in a resumé ? EDUCATION EDUCATION Union County Academy For Information Technology, Scotch Plains, NJ Anticipated Graduation June 2014 GPA (3.5+), Scholarships, Awards Related coursework Business Communications Marketing Certifications Microsoft Office Suite, Word, Excel, PowerPoint
How can your past contribute to an employer’s future? Prove how you possess a transferrable skill Leadership/management, teamwork, detail, communication, technical, creative, helping… Example: Skill = organized Proven skill = Organized a group of 10 peers to raise $500 for Relay For Life Bob’s Bakery, Union, NJ Cashier, June 2013 – Present Calculated orders and processed payments Cooperated with co-workers to meet daily sales goals Sold $100 weekly of the featured product of the week, resulting in a 10% increase in monthly sales What’s in a resumé ? EXPERIENCE – Work [Internship, part-time, temporary] Athletics, Clubs, Volunteer
NO: physical characteristics, age, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, religious/political affiliations, race, national origin, salary history, reason for leaving job, names of supervisors, names of references, SS#, student ID # What’s NOT in a resumé ? PERSONAL DATA & REFERENCES
Reference Sheet – separate from resumé List 3-4 people that have agreed to be a reference Name, job title, organization, address, phone number, , nature of relationship What’s NOT in a resumé ? PERSONAL DATA & REFERENCES
WHAT TO AVOID: Being too long (over a page) and wordy Too short / too much white space Difficult to read Poorly written Displaying weak understanding of the business world or of a particular industry or company Poor quality printing paper Spelling & grammatical errors Boastful How to avoid the recycling bin
Any Questions?
Compare & contrast the resumes on the worksheet State which is the effective resume and which is the ineffective one List the in/effective qualities of both Start HW Classwork: PAIRS