Hertfordshire County Council Strategic Stakeholder Group Workshop Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities
Hertfordshire County Council Children and Young People’s Plan 10 Priority Outcomes, each with a named lead Priority Outcome 8 “Children and young people with learning difficulties and disabilities are empowered to reach their full potential” 5 key actions - milestones and timescales - lead agency - lead officer
Hertfordshire County Council A Joint Service Improvement plan is in place An increase in complex cases with an allocated Lead Professional - 70% of under 5s Improved NEET figures - young people with LDD remain disadvantaged A Transition Team due to be phased in from April 2009 Progress Made So Far
Hertfordshire County Council Progress Made So Far Training for Early Years workers to involve parents practitioners CLA with LDD participating in their reviews has risen from 50% to 90% Parents directly influencing the Short Breaks Review - remains a complex and emotive issue 8 DCTP plans include actions to support children with LDD
Hertfordshire County Council Aiming High for Disabled Children A good strategic vision Joint planning and aligned budgets The use of robust data Planning influenced by parents A designated service manager Adequate management capacity Capacity to deliver capital projects Commissioning to develop the market A clearly articulated workforce strategy
Hertfordshire County Council Aiming High for Disabled Children
Hertfordshire County Council Aiming High for Disabled Children A good strategic vision Joint planning and aligned budgets The use of robust data Planning influenced by parents A designated service manager Adequate management capacity Capacity to deliver capital projects Commissioning to develop the market A clearly articulated workforce strategy
Hertfordshire County Council Group Task Do you recognise the progress made so far? What can be done to further accelerate progress, especially against the Aiming High readiness criteria? What contributions can members of the group make to help make greater progress?