Community Corrections Campus Day Reporting LPCC Education Programs GPS Offender Tracking Juvenile Day Reporting Truancy Corrections for the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office makes up slightly more than half of the entire Sheriff’s Office with a total of 270 employees within the division.
Day Reporting Program Description A non-residential alternative jail sentence or pre-trial status, which allows participants to stay at home, as long as they meet all of the Day Reporting Program’s selection criteria. The program is viewed as providing close supervision, case management, and treatment in a manner that keeps offenders employed and is less expensive for the community.
Day Reporting Program Structure GED Education & Academic Enhancement Addiction Treatment & Counseling Evidence-based Cognitive Behavioral Groups Life Skills Training Transitional Services Drug Testing Case Management & Monitoring
Day Reporting Day Reporting is a service provider to offenders from other corrections programs. Day Reporting Work Release GPS Offender Monitoring REHAB Volunteers Totals 2008 169 127 54 N/A 3 353 2009 190 287 5 16 667
Education Programs 536 participated in Community Corrections and LPCC Education Programs 40 out of 58 qualifying passed GED exam 46% percent tested scored below 5th grade level 33% of literacy participants upgraded to the 6th grade level or above 1 literacy participant passed GED
Day Reporting Transitional Services One of the biggest factors in an offender returning to jail is not having a job. Day Reporting transitional services provides offenders with the ability to obtain or have a job. Program Unemployed at Enrollment Jobs Obtained Day Reporting 110 107 GPS Offender Tracking 114 91
Day Reporting Transitional Services Interview Skills Assistance with Bank Accounts Mock Interviews Medical & Dental Referrals Resume Writing Housing Job Fairs ID’s & Social Security Cards Job Leads SSI Assistance Job Placement Clothing Financial Management Food
GPS Offender Tracking GPS offenders are monitored by a one piece ankle bracelet equipped with a state of the art global positioning satellite (GPS) monitor. Monitors use cell towers for tracking along with satellite tracking which is added security as satellites alone can lose tracking inside buildings.
GPS Offender Tracking Software equipped with Google and Microsoft mapping.
GPS Offender Tracking Alerts sent to caseworkers via email or text message for device tampering, communication loss or if offender is in an unauthorized area.
GPS Offender Tracking 56% enrollment growth in one year Growth presents challenges. More referrals and pressure to divert offenders into diversion programs has meant a higher number of participants without jobs and a higher incidence of positive drug screens. Higher unemployment among GPS Offender Tracking participants meant that they spend more time enrolled in other programs on campus.
GPS Offender Tracking GPS Offender Tracking Program 2008 2009 Employment Training 2 72 GED Prep 18 70 Substance Abuse Education 15 153 Treatment Services 13 37 AA/NA Meetings 12 95 Mental Health Services 4 26
$301,312 in Offender Paid Child Support GPS Offender Tracking 2002 – 2009 1,259 Participants 78% Success Rate 35% Recidivism $301,312 in Offender Paid Child Support
Juvenile Day Reporting The sheriff’s office has entered into a contract with the Lafayette Parish School Board in providing a structured alternative day program which serves out-of-school youth who need intensive behavioral modification in order to succeed in a traditional school environment.
Juvenile Day Reporting Last Resort Program Next Step Expulsion/Detention 47% on Probation 58% Substance Abuse Issues 19% Mental Health Issues 57% of graduates are still in school or have obtained a GED
Juvenile Day Reporting Program Components Physical Training Educational Instruction Moral Reconation Therapy Team Building Skills Social Skills Development Drug Testing Individual Case Management LEAP Testing Referrals to Community-based Organizations
Truancy In 2009, sheriff’s office deputies from Community Corrections, the Bailiff’s office and POP assisted the Lafayette Parish School Board in locating truants and made 100% of those requests. Visited 464 100% Contacted 247 53% Returned to School after Contact 199 81% Contacted who were referred to DA’s office 48 19%
Community Corrections Challenges Unemployment Lack of skills Lack of education Environmental stability Providing structure to offenders Absence of parental involvement
2010 Community Corrections Goals Develop prospective employer data-base to assist offenders in finding employment. Increase the number of JDRP participants who pass the 8th grade LEAP. Provide a graduated system of penalties for program non-compliance in GPSOT.