Working Poor Families Project Policy Academy Strengthening State Data Systems to Improve Outcomes for Low-Income Adults June 30, 2010 Mississippi Economic Policy Center
Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training (WET) Fund Approximately $20 million annually for incumbent worker training 160,000 people trained annually Training used by diverse groups of Mississippians by race, gender and educational attainment Paid for by diversion of UI Taxes Threatened by Recession
Outline for Policy Change: Mississippi Workforce Enhancement Training Fund Problem (WET Fund Solvency Threatened due to Recession) Policy Solution (Separate WET Fund from UI Solvency) Politics (Opposition, Supporters, Competing Policy Issues) Policy Change $20 million for Workforce Training
Problem: UI Trust Fund Balance Declining due to Recession $500 Million Trigger WET Fund ceases to exist when one of three UI Trust Fund Solvency Triggers Trips Cost: $20M and 160,000 trainees annually
Policy Solution: Separate WET Fund Collections from UI Solvency Tie Solvency and Associated UI Tax Rates to Benefit Payment Levels
Policy Entrepreneur: Mississippi Longitudinal Data System
Lessons Learned Relationships are key –The State Workforce Investment Board meeting convenes all longitudinal data system stakeholders Policy makers are interested in new and credible information –WPF groups are positioned to be unique messengers Agency leadership relationships are key to getting access to information Be specific with information to advance specific policy changes 8
For more information: Mississippi Economic Policy Center Ed Sivak (601) Sarah Welker (601)