CSBG National Update Bill Brand Vaughn Clark Pamela Harrison National Association of State Community Services Programs John Edwards, CCAP Thomas Tenorio, CCAP Community Action Partnership December 18, 2012
The CSBG Environment President Obama's SOTU address on January 25, 2011 The Partnership and NASCSP convened the CSBG Working Group April 21, 2011
The CSBG Working Group Comprised of representatives from CAAs, State Associations, National Partners and State Lead Agencies The Partnership & NASCSP sent a joint letter to ACF/OCS on July 13, 2011 recommending development of a framework for increased accountability using the principles and focus areas identified by the group
The CSBG Environment The Partnership & NASCSP sent a joint memo to ACF/OCS on December 23, 2011 and included a framework of draft Standards
Moving the Needle In Federal FY2012 budget, the language was clear on establishing a system of performance standards and competition for CSBG funds In Federal FY2013 budget, the language changed to requiring competition only if an entity falls short of meeting the standards
Dear Colleague Letter October 15, 2012 OCS will identify and finalize new standards & performance management protocols By July 31, 2013, grantees and contractors will deliver information to ACF on core standards
Dear Colleague Letter October 15, 2012 Outlined structure of national partners, Centers of Excellence, RPICs, States, and outside experts including the Urban Institute
Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia (RPICs) 1.Obtaining and providing regional input on performance measurement and performance standards; 2.Participating in national work groups;
Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia 3.Facilitating and providing training on performance standards and measurement techniques; and
Regional Performance and Innovation Consortia 4.Assisting State CAA Associations and CSBG- eligible entities in analyzing data, setting challenging goals, identifying evidence- informed service plans, and documenting outcomes
National Partners CSBG Performance Management Task Force OSCOE CSBG Working Group ROMA Next Generation Center of Excellence
Centers of Excellence Organizational Standards Center of Excellence (OSCOE) Results-Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) Center of Excellence
OSCOE Center of Excellence Coordinate the development and dissemination of a core set of standards with input from the State, regional and national partners Create tools for organizational assessment that can be used by States and local CSBG-eligible entities to set and meet high-quality organizational performance standards
OSCOE Center of Excellence Assist States and CAAs to set and meet high performance standards that can be used across the Network in areas such as: Organizational Leadership Human Resource Management Financial Operations Consumer Input and Involvement Community Engagement Board Governance
ROMA Next Generation COE OVERVIEW Assure standardized knowledge of basic ROMA principles and definitions Increase Network capacity to effectively execute each step of the ROMA cycle Provide T/TA to assist the Network in more effectively collecting, reporting, and using performance data for decision making
ROMA Next Generation COE PARTNERS Community Action Partnership National ROMA Peer-to-Peer Training Program National Alliance for Sustainable Communities
The Urban Institute OCS has contracted with UI to help obtain expert analysis from outside the current CSBG network: 1.Environmental Scan of Federal programs that are similar to CSBG in one or more respects, i.e., they may be block grants, serve low-income populations, etc.
The Urban Institute 2.UI will provide an overview of ROMA and how it might be used for performance measurement and management, and making recommendations for improvements and better documentation of program results at local, State and Federal levels 3.UI will work in partnership with OCS to coordinate development of new performance management tools and protocols, convening the Performance Management Task Force (PMTF)
CSBG Working Group -Partnership - CAAsState CSBG OfficesRPICsState AssociationsNASCSPCAPLAWROMA COENCAFOutside Experts CSBG Performance Management Task Force - Urban Institute - Regional Representatives: CAAs, State CSBG Offices, State Associations National Partners: Partnership, NASCSP, CAPLAW, NCAF, ROMA Centers of Excellence (ROMA and OSCOE) Outside Experts Georgetown University, NYC Commission for Economic Opportunity OCS
CSBG Working Group Charge Four working Committees based on focus areas Scan of current State monitoring and organizational assessment tools Development of draft Standards for Network consideration
Source: OCS slides for RPIC briefing Performance Management Task Force (PMTF) Charge: The Performance Management Task Force meetings are designed to coordinate national efforts to create and implement enhanced performance management tools and protocols for CSBG. There will be three meetings. Each meeting will take approximately three days and it is expected that each meeting will have a different focus. o The first meeting focused primarily on obtaining critical input regarding current performance management systems and recommendations for potential changes.
Performance Management Task Force (PMTF) Charge: The second meeting is expected to be used to obtain reactions from key stakeholders to proposed improvements to performance reporting. The third and final meeting will include presentation of a draft set of new performance management and reporting efforts, and discussion of roles and expectations for ongoing maintenance of any new approaches. Source: OCS slides for RPIC briefing
Performance Management Task Force (PMTF) First Meeting Overview: Various people in the Administration underscored the importance of developing tools to measure performance. o This is not just a CSBG matter. It cuts across all programs in the Federal government. Task Force participants from the Network noted that the Network has the ability to rise to this challenge and get the work done. o Timelines are tight! Throughout this process Urban Institute wants feedback from the regions on how to develop the performance management system and will be setting up groups to address these questions.
Performance Management Task Force (PMTF) First Meeting Overview: UI provided an environmental scan of seven Federal programs that are similar to CSBG in one or more respects, i.e., they may be block grants, serve low-income populations, etc. o The Task Force had good dialogue around the environmental scan and the principals/values of CSBG and what it means to be a CAA. Many points of view were expressed. o The scan indicated there is no perfect approach, only trade-offs in setting up a system. o The scan provided a context for looking at performance management, which we’ll discuss as part of “Next Steps.” Source: OCS slides for RPIC briefing
Gather information on five questions: 1.How specifically do CSBG dollars contribute to achieving the local eligible entities’ mission as a comprehensive service organization? Please provide three examples. 2.What information do local agencies currently use to assess the use and effectiveness of the CSBG dollars? Note: This does not have to be confined to formal data submitted for the CSBG-IS system and may include other information used executive directors and boards to guide decisions about the use of CSBG funds? RPIC Charge from UI/OCS: Source: OCS slides for RPIC briefing
Gather information on five questions: 3.Aside from the funding available through CSBG what is the added value for local CSBG agencies of being designated as an eligible entity for CSBG? 4.Aside from funding, what are three 3-5 benefits of participation in the CSBG service network? 5.What other input would you like to provide about critical performance items that should be “measured” in the implementation of a new performance management system? What current reporting requirements are most useful and should be maintained? By January 16, send a summary of the region’s input to OCS RPIC Charge from UI/OCS: Source: OCS slides for RPIC briefing
Next Steps Live Listening Sessions – Partnership’s Management and Leadership Conference in San Diego, CA Organizational Standards: January 9 Morning Organizational Assessment: January 9 Afternoon ROMA Next Generation: January 10 Morning – NASCSP’s Mid-Winter Training Conference February 27-March 1 Next Working Group Meeting-January 17, 2013 OCSOE-Hosted Regional Input Calls-February, 2013 Next PMTF Meeting: February 11-12
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