Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Purpose: The purpose of physical fitness is to ensure Department employees’ safety and their ability to perform sustained, arduous job tasks. This procedure is an outline of the physical fitness requirements for our Health and Wellness Program. Authority: This procedure is issued by the Chief of the Department of Fire and Rescue pursuant to the Code of Prince William County.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Definitions: Body Composition is often considered a component of fitness. It refers to the makeup of the body in terms of lean mass (muscle, bone, vital tissue and organs) and fat mass. An optimal ratio of fat to lean mass is an indication of fitness, and the right types of exercise will help you decrease body fat and increase or maintain muscle mass. Cardio-Respiratory Endurance is the ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and to remove wastes, over sustained periods of time. Long runs and swims are among the methods employed in measuring this component. Flexibility is the ability to move joints and use muscles through their full range of motion. The sit-and-reach test is a good measure of flexibility of the lower back and backs of the upper legs.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Mandatory means all uniform employees will participate in physical fitness training unless contraindicated under the advisement of a medical doctor. Mandatory means all uniform employees will participate in physical fitness training unless contraindicated under the advisement of a medical doctor. Muscular Endurance is the ability of a muscle, or a group of muscles, to sustain repeated contractions or to continue applying force against a fixed object. Pushups are often used to test endurance of arm and shoulder muscles. Muscular Strength is the ability of a muscle to exert force for a brief period of time. Upper-body strength, for example, can be measured by various weight-lifting exercises.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Peer Fitness Trainer (PFT) is a Department employee who has successfully completed the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer course or American Council on Exercise (ACE) peer fitness training, as determined by the Physical Fitness Coordinator. Physical Fitness is the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with energy left over for enjoying leisure-time activities and meeting emergency demands. It is the ability to endure, to bear up, to withstand stress, to carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue, and is a major basis for good health and well-being. Physical Fitness Coordinator is the Department of Fire and Rescue Officer managing the actions of the PFT’s. Physical Fitness Training Standard is the mandatory minimum participation level expected of each uniform employee of the Department.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Policy: Participation in Physical Fitness Training is mandatory for all uniformed employees of the Department. Non-uniform employees of the Department may use this policy as a guideline for engaging in a comprehensive physical fitness program. All uniform employees will schedule not less than a 1-hour and up to a 2-hour time period each work shift to participate in Physical Fitness Training. This time shall be utilized for exercise and clean up.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness The National guidelines for physical activity are: 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week. 60 minutes of physical activity a day to prevent weight gain. 60 minutes of physical activity a day to prevent weight gain minutes of physical activity a day to sustain weight loss minutes of physical activity a day to sustain weight loss. All uniform employees will participate in Physical Fitness Training encompassing all facets of fitness: body composition, cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscular strength. Uniform employees on light-duty status will participate within the constraints issued by their treating medical professional. All uniform employees will participate in Physical Fitness Training encompassing all facets of fitness: body composition, cardio-respiratory endurance, flexibility, muscular endurance, and muscular strength. Uniform employees on light-duty status will participate within the constraints issued by their treating medical professional.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness All employees will follow sound exercise principles when engaging in Physical Fitness Training. An explanation of sound exercise principles can be found in Attachment A. Employees should use the assistance of a Peer Fitness Trainer as one resource for successful participation in the Health and Wellness Program. Attachment B of this policy lists other health, fitness, safety, and wellness resources. All station officers and work site managers are encouraged to facilitate Physical Fitness Training through community resources when and where available and appropriate.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness The Department wants to encourage activities that promote team building while at the same time provide physical activity. However safety to our members during these activities is paramount. Those approved activities listed below that are found to have a negative impact on the risk management component of our Department will be eliminated. Employees are encouraged to use common sense and good judgment while participating in any physical activity in order to avoid unnecessary injury to themselves and especially others. The Department wants to encourage activities that promote team building while at the same time provide physical activity. However safety to our members during these activities is paramount. Those approved activities listed below that are found to have a negative impact on the risk management component of our Department will be eliminated. Employees are encouraged to use common sense and good judgment while participating in any physical activity in order to avoid unnecessary injury to themselves and especially others.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Physical Fitness activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: Physical Fitness activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: RunningWalking Racquetball Softball Yoga Kickball Pilates Tennis Weight lifting / trainingCardio machines Functional training Combat Challenge Circuit training Flexibility exercises Wind sprints Resistance training CyclingAerobics Core stability Swimming Basketball Prohibited activities: any activity considered to be a full contact sport (i.e. tackle football) Prohibited activities: any activity considered to be a full contact sport (i.e. tackle football) Questions on whether or not an activity is approved or to requests to have an activity be added to the approved list should be sent to Risk Management through the Departments Health and Safety Office. Questions on whether or not an activity is approved or to requests to have an activity be added to the approved list should be sent to Risk Management through the Departments Health and Safety Office.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness A bi-annual physical fitness self-assessment will be conducted in April and October of each calendar year. This assessment will allow the uniformed employee to gauge their overall fitness and allow the employee to make changes to their fitness program based on the results. Bi-annual physical fitness self-assessments will be non- punitive and will evaluate the employee’s body composition, aerobic capacity, flexibility, and muscular strength and endurance. Minimum standards have been listed in each category so that employees’ have a point of reference to compare their personal performance to.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Each component of the self-assessment will be assessed using evaluation methods identified Chapter 4 of NFPA Body Composition = Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) Male Ideal <14% Recommended <19% Female Ideal <21% Recommended <25%
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Aerobic Capacity = 1-mile walk or 1.5- mile run Aerobic Capacity = 1-mile walk or 1.5- mile run –Walk = Rockport 1-Mile Walk Test Procedure –Run = 1.5-Mile Run Test Flexibility = Hip Flex (sit and reach) Flexibility = Hip Flex (sit and reach) –Minimum 12 inches
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Muscular Strength and Endurance = Pull- ups or Flexed Arm Hang, Push-ups, Curl-ups (sit-ups), and Leg Press Muscular Strength and Endurance = Pull- ups or Flexed Arm Hang, Push-ups, Curl-ups (sit-ups), and Leg Press –Upper Body: Pull-ups = Minimum 3 (palms in or out) or Flexed arm hang 45 seconds Pull-ups = Minimum 3 (palms in or out) or Flexed arm hang 45 seconds Push-ups = 20 in 30 Push-ups = 20 in 30 –Abdominal: Curl-ups = 30 in 60 seconds Curl-ups = 30 in 60 seconds –Lower Body: Leg Press = minimum 150% of body Leg Press = minimum 150% of body
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness –The bi-annual physical fitness self-assessment procedures (Appendix A) will be administered in station and be overseen by the Station Officer. –Bi-annual physical fitness self-assessments will be documented using the Departments Physical Fitness Form. (Attachment C) Bi-annual physical fitness self-assessment forms will be maintained at the station level with a copy forwarded to be maintained in the employees medical file. Bi-annual physical fitness self-assessment forms will be maintained at the station level with a copy forwarded to be maintained in the employees medical file.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Responsibilities: Responsibilities: –Uniform Employee Participate in Physical Fitness Training using sound exercise principles, during each work shift unless medically ill-advised. –Officers/Tactical Unit Officers Schedule time for daily Physical Fitness Training. Ensure participation of uniform employees in Physical Fitness Training. Ensure participation of uniform employees in Physical Fitness Training. Administer bi-annual physical fitness assessments and ensure that records are maintained appropriately Administer bi-annual physical fitness assessments and ensure that records are maintained appropriately Address inappropriate conduct per PWC Personnel Policy Section 14.2 A.14. Address inappropriate conduct per PWC Personnel Policy Section 14.2 A.14.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Physical Fitness Disciplinary action: Disciplinary action: Prince William County Personnel Manual (Rules of Conduct) Section 14.2-A number 14 Prince William County Personnel Manual (Rules of Conduct) Section 14.2-A number 14 –Failure to participate in the minimum number of hours (1-hour) of Physical Fitness Training each work period or the bi-annual physical fitness assessment will be considered a Group One Offense (failure to obey order of a supervisor) –Employees will not be disciplined based on their individual performance in physical fitness training or for their performance in bi-annual physical fitness assessments.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Purpose: Purpose: –To ensure that Department members’ possess the physical ability to perform essential job functions. Authority: Authority: –This procedure is issued by the Chief of the Department of Fire and Rescue pursuant to the Code of Prince William County and is in compliance with NFPA 1500 (Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program) and 1583 (Standard on Health- Related Fitness Programs for Fire Fighters).
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Definitions: Definitions: –Fit for Duty Level of fitness which provides the member the ability to perform essential job functions. –Mandatory means all uniform employees will participate in physical fitness training unless contradicted under the advisement of a medical doctor. –Peer Fitness Trainer (PFT) is a Department employee who has successfully completed the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) certified personal trainer course or American Council on Exercise (ACE) peer fitness training, as determined by the Physical Fitness Coordinator. –Physical Fitness is the ability to perform daily tasks vigorously and alertly, with energy left over for enjoying leisure-time activities and meeting emergency demands. It is the ability to endure, to bear up, to withstand stress, to carry on in circumstances where an unfit person could not continue, and is a major basis for good health and well- being. –Physical Fitness Coordinator is the Department of Fire and Rescue Officer managing the actions of the PFT’s.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Policy: Policy: –A mandatory Fit for Duty assessment will be conducted on each uniformed employee for the following: Once each calendar year. Once each calendar year. –Assessments will be scheduled based on the employees current work assignment. Jan. Stations 2, 3, 4 Jan. Stations 2, 3, 4 Feb. Stations 5, 6, 7 Feb. Stations 5, 6, 7 March Stations 8, 10,11 March Stations 8, 10,11 AprilBi-annual physical fitness assessments (see Physical Fitness Policy) AprilBi-annual physical fitness assessments (see Physical Fitness Policy) May Stations 12, 13,14 May Stations 12, 13,14 June Stations 15, 16, 17 June Stations 15, 16, 17 July Stations 18, 20, 25 July Stations 18, 20, 25 Aug.PSA, Aug.PSA, Sept. Manassas, Development Services Sept. Manassas, Development Services Oct. Bi-annual physical fitness assessments (see Physical Fitness Policy) Oct. Bi-annual physical fitness assessments (see Physical Fitness Policy) Nov.Ferlazzo, McCoart Nov.Ferlazzo, McCoart Dec.Make-up Assessments Dec.Make-up Assessments
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Those employees who are transferred prior to their stations scheduled assessment month and after the scheduled assessment month of their new assignment will have a make-up assessment scheduled in the month of December. Those employees who are transferred and underwent a Fit for Duty evaluation at their previous assignment will not be required to undergo another until the next calendar year. At which time they will be scheduled to attend during the month of their new assignment.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Prior to being released from light duty status. After any off-duty personal illness or injury which causes the employee to be off for 14 consecutive days. (includes regular days off, weekends and holidays) The Fit for Duty assessment is a measure of an individual’s ability to physically perform essential functions required of a firefighter.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty The Fit for Duty assessment will evaluate the following 10 skill areas. Protective Gear Donning Ladder Carry, Raise, and Extension Forcible Entry High Rise Pack / Stair Climb Hand-line Advancement Hand-line Pull Pike Pole Equipment Carry Ventilation Victim Rescue (See Appendix A for assessment procedure)
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Prior to participating in the Fit for Duty assessment the employee will have undergone a comprehensive medical physical within the past year. Just prior to participating in the Fit for Duty assessment the employee will be required to complete the Fit for Duty Assessment Medical Questionnaire. (Attachment A) The assessment will be Pass/Fail. Uniformed employees who fail the assessment will be placed in a light duty assignment until a passing score is obtained.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Those employees who are placed on light duty will be required to undergo an assessment every month until they have passed the Fit for Duty assessment unless they are found medically unfit. Each employee in this category will be assigned a Peer Fitness Trainer to assist them with the development and implementation of an individualized fitness plan that will best help the employee achieve a passing score. Peer Fitness Trainers will monitor and adjust fitness plans as necessary in order to assist the employee achieve the passing standard. Once the employee has passed the Fit for Duty assessment they will be placed back into the normal rotation for assessments
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Initial Fit for Duty assessments for any of the situations listed under 4.1 of this policy will be conducted by a certified Peer Fitness Trainer. Any subsequent assessments will be carried out by the Physical Fitness Coordinator. The Fit for Duty assessments will be documented using the Departments Fit for Duty Evaluation Form (Attachment B) and maintained in the employees medical file.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Implementation: Implementation: Implementation of this policy will be progressive to ensure that members have ample opportunity to prepare themselves for the rigors of this exam. Jan. – Dec 2009: Baselines and Validation This phase is will be used to establish a baseline level of fitness in order to give the member a clear understanding of what improvements will need to be made in order to pass the Fit for Duty assessment. Additionally this phase will include the validation process by a third party.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Jan Dec. 2011: Evaluative (improvement expected) This phase will be non-punitive and will allow the member to track their progressive improvement toward meeting or exceeding the standard. Members are strongly encouraged to utilize resources such as the Physical Fitness Policy and Peer Fitness Trainers to assist them in reaching the minimum standard. Jan. 2012: Full implementation The full content of this policy will go into effect. Members will be required to meet all aspects of this policy not identified as advisory only. While members are only required to meet the standard the Department strongly encourages members to strive to exceed them. Members who fail to meet the standards will be subject to disciplinary action.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Responsibilities: Uniformed Employee Utilize the Departments Physical Fitness Policy to better prepare for this assessment. Station Officer Ensure compliance by all members under their command. Encourage progress through use of the Physical Fitness Policy. Conduct bi-annual physical fitness assessments. Coordinate with Peer Fitness Trainers as necessary.
Emergency Vehicle Policy – Fit for Duty Peer Fitness Trainers Peer Fitness Trainers Provide guidance on the principles and methods of physical fitness training and injury prevention. Assist individuals with developing physical fitness plans.
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