外研版 高一年级 ( 必修 1) Module 6. Read the following sentences. 1.About 80 percent of web traffic is in English. 2.But this percentage is going down. 3.In.


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Presentation transcript:

外研版 高一年级 ( 必修 1) Module 6

Read the following sentences. 1.About 80 percent of web traffic is in English. 2.But this percentage is going down. 3.In 5 years, the number of Internet users rose from 600,000 to 40 million.

4. Two percent of the total population of China have access to the Internet, compared with 45 percent in the USA and 15 percent in Japan. 6. The average time the Chinese people spend online is 17 hours per week. 5. In China, the number of Internet users was 55 million in 2002, which rose to 125 million in 2003.

PopulationIn 1978In 2003Percentage of increase Total2,500,0003,800,000 School kids450,00090% 52% 855,000 Now describe the growth of Li Kang’s hometown. Use the expressions for describing percentage and numbers.

JH students 420,000790,000 SH students 380,00070% in-service learners 79,000180,000 88% 646, %

Useful phrases and sentence patterns compared with( 与 …… 相比 ) compared to 把 …… 比作 Compared with his camera,mine is better. Books can be compared to friends. average adi 平均的 普通的 cn 平均数 The average age of the boys is 16. He is just an average student.

Write a short passage according to the statistics above. You can begin like this: In Li Kang’s hometown education has grown rapidly.

We can take school kids for example. The number of school kids in 2003 reached 855,000.The percentage of increase is 90%. Compared with JH students, SH students have a low percentage increase, which is 70%.The number of in-service learners is from 79,000 in 1978 to 180,000 in 2003.

In the table, percentage of increase of in- service learners is the highest. From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclusion that people’s living standards in Li Kang’ hometown have been constantly improved between in 1978 and 2003.

Everyday English Look at these words and expressions for shopping. Good morning, sir/madam… How can I help you? What can I do for you? What kind of (mobile phone) would you like/are you looking for?

I think/In my opinion/ If you want my personal opinion… But I should tell you… How would you like to pay? Would you like a bag?/Would you like me to ? If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call us.

Thank you very much./ Thank you for shopping here. See you again soon, I hope. /Come back soon.

Li Ping wants to buy a short-wave radio to listen to English programs. He doesn’t know much about short-wave radios. He has only 150 yuan with him but he wants a radio with good quality. The shop assistant gives him some advice and helps him choose a Panda radio. Situation

Please make up a dialogue using the above phrases and sentence patterns. Shop assistant: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you? Li Ping: I’d like to buy a short- wave radio. Shop assistant: What kind of short-wave radio would you like?

Li Ping: I want to have a radio with good quality. Can you recommend some good radios? Shop assistant: Of course, how would you like to pay? Li Ping: I have only 150 yuan. Shop assistant: How about this one? It costs you 158 yuan.

Li Ping: In my opinion, it looks pretty, but I don’t like the color. Will you show me another? Shop assistant: Would you like this Panda radio? It’s not expensive, and do you like the colour? Li Ping: In that case, I will take this one.

如何写好对比议论文 【案例呈现】 请根据下面表格内容,写一篇关于中 学生上学可不可以带手机的英语短文, 并说明你的观点。

带手机的优点带手机的弊端 你的看法和 建议 便于和父母及 同学保持联系; 手机中的游戏 能带来一些乐 趣。 上课时手机干 扰教学;手机 会分散注意力, 并影响学习成 绩;手机聊天、 发短信费时费 钱。 上课时不允 许使用手 机, …… 。

注意: 1. 词数: 100 左右; 2. 文章开头已经给出,但不计入总词数; 3. 参考词汇:干扰 disturb 。 Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. Our opinions are as follows. _______________________________.

【写作指导】 ●审题定调:该篇作文要求论证带手机 上学的利弊及自己的看法,文体属于 对比型议论文。这类文章的写作结构 一般为:提出现象 —— 正面论证 —— 反面论证 —— 最后表明作者的观点。 人称多用第三人称和第一人称。时态 以现在时态为主。

●布局谋篇: 全文分四段式 第一段:提出现象,引出讨论话题(中 学生是否应该带手机上学),已给出。 第二段:正面论证支持方的观点及理由 (带手机的优点)。 第三段:反面论证反对方的观点及理由 (带手机的弊端)。 第四段:表述自己的看法及理由。

●常用词汇及句式表达 : 1. 引出讨论话题: (1) Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether... or not. (2) There have been many reports of... (3) People hold different opinions about... (4) The reasons for that are as follows. 2. 对比双方观点及理由的陈述:

(1) 表达支持的: Some are in favor of...; Some support...; The majority of them think...; Many of them are for...; There are many advantages of...; play an important part in; be of vital significance; benefit a lot from...

(2) 表达反对的: Others are against...; Some hold the different view that...; Some hold the view that...; 60% of the students think it is... to; There are also some disadvantages of...

3. 承接词汇: firstly, secondly, besides, in addition, what’s more, furthermore, in a word, in short, what is important is that..., even worse, What disappoints sb. most is that...

【范文欣赏】 Recently our class had a heated discussion about whether middle school students can go to school with mobile phones. Our opinions are as follows. Some students think mobile phones can help them keep in touch with their friends, especially their family

whenever they need. Besides, games in the mobile phone offer more fun to them. However, the other students think they should not bring their mobile phones to the class, because the ring of phones can disturb teachers and students in class, and even worse,

it will influence their study. Meanwhile they will spend too much time and money on phone calls and sending messages. Personally, I’m strongly against students using mobile phones in class. Only in this way can we create a quiet environment for our studies.