Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute PRP as a tool for: Reduce overall polluting pressures Protect and restore water ecological status Achieve the environmental objectives as set by the common frame for water policy (Dir. 2000/60/CE) APPROACH TO IMPLEMENT THE PRP
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute Directive 76/464/CE and daughter directives Identify polluting substances with priority set on toxicity, persistance and bio accumulation Set EQS to prevent dangerous effects PRPProgrammes of measures to achieve DS emission reduction in waters PRP Reduce pollution
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute WFD approach: GOOD All water bodies should achieve a GOOD Ecological Status within 2015 protect water bodies at HIGH or GOOD Ecological Status reduce/ cancel polluting input in water bodies at risk not achieving the environmental objective Protect & Restore Water Ecological Status
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute WFD approach: in the RIVER BASIN identify water bodies at risk of achieving environmental objectives Assess pressures and impacts (quality/quantity) Protect & Restore Water Ecological Status 2
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute Protect & Restore Water Ecological Status 3: Known PS ELEMENTHIGH STATUSGOOD STATUSLESS THAN GOOD STATUS Specific synthetic pollutant Conc. close to ZERO or below the limits of detection of the MOST ADVANCE analytical techniques in general use Conc. < EQSConditions consistent with the achievement of the environmental objective for biological QE Specific non- synthetic pollutant Conc. == background level Conc. < EQS (*)Conditions consistent with the achievement of the environmental objective for biological QE (*) EQS > bgl
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute The Combined Approach (WFD art 10) Emission controls based on Best Available Technologies (BAT) Relevant emission limit values Diffuse impacts: Best Environmental Practices (BEP) If Quality objective or Quality standard pursuant any relevant Directive are at risk: set more stringent emisson controls
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute Programmes of measures (WFD art 11) BASIC MEASURES (among others….): 1) point discharge sources: prohibition on the entry of pollutant into water, prior authorisation, prior registration laying down emissions controls 2) periodical revisionand update 3) prohibition of discharge of pollutants in GW (derogations) SUPPLEMENTARY MEASURES Any other measure implemented to achieve environmental objectives
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute UP DATING PS LIST DB on Priority Substances: IPPC, EPR, Monitoring (results from quality, bathin, drinking water monitoring rogrammes), Tox&Ecotox results Investigative monitoring : whath new? Expert judgement : re examination and procedure of WFD Annex 5(1.2.6 Procedure to assess EQS) Formal Committee? (refer to Art 21 Committee of WFD), : lacking EQs, New PS, reporting PRP Knowledge Integration
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute New PRP GIS :sources,volumes, pollutants and territory (no all pollutants in all regions: cost-benefit!!!) Re examination of discharge permits vs. receiving waters environmental objectives Re examination of derogation regime
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute River Basin Management Plan Water protection plan : WB at risk PRP Economic analysis Public partecipation
Italian Committee of United Cities (CICU) PHARE - twinning Project SK02/IB/EN01 Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute THE PROCESS RBMP Monitoring Reporting Assessment PRP