Environmental Geomechanics: A Recent Development in Geotechnical Engineering DR. D. N. SINGH PROFESSOR Geotechnical Engineering Division Department of Civil Engineering I.I.T. BOMBAY dns@civil.iitb.ac.in
"...to design and construct public works..." Civil Engineering "...to design and construct public works..." Transformation Practice of improving and maintaining the built and natural environment to enhance the quality of life for present and the generations to follow
Role of Civil Engineers “Designers and Builders of The Quality of Life…….” Creators of the Civilised Society Environment Providing solutions to the needs of a developing global population Performers (on a world stage) as strategic thinkers and global managers Pillars of local Economies Creating and maintaining complex infrastructure in wealth creation
Geotechnical Engineering Subject Organization Rock Mechanics Foundations Retaining Structures Seepage/Slopes/Dams Soil Mechanics Geomechanics Environment Geotechnical Engineering Challenge Effect is more pronounced
Environmental Geomechanics Genesis Population Explosion Industrialization Sluggish and “Don’t bother approach” Ignorance Human Greed Is a Philosophy put in practice to deal with under-ground “environment” & Problems associated with it Combination/Blend of Geotechnical Engg. and Environmental Engg.
Waste Disposal Strategies Above ground storage No protection Protected by geologic materials
Shallow trench burial Engineered Backfill geological materials.
Deep Disposal with backfill Protected by high-retardation geologic material
Ascertaining the quality of air, water, and land resources; Issues are Ascertaining the quality of air, water, and land resources; Transport, use, and disposal of hazardous wastes water and wastewater treatment, and reuse. Analysis and design of foundation systems, seepage control, earth dams and water resource structures, response of foundations and embankments to the ENVIRONMENTAL ACTIVITIES Man made Natural industrialization/population explosion earthquakes/(& to some extent other natural calamities).
SCOPE of Environmental Geomechanics Assessment of pollutants being discharged on/in the soil deposits (Disposal/Handling/storage) Process by which the pollutants travel in geo-environment (Contaminant Transport) Protection of ground water aquifers from contamination (Containment) Methods of cleaning the contaminated sites (Remediation) Methods of creating “Value added” products (Recycling & Reuse)
Specific Studies on Hazardous wastes Physical, Chemical, Mineralogical, Electrical and Thermal characterization Geoenvironmental hazards: Natural and man made Recycle and Reuse of Industrial waste(s) Role of Geotechnical engineering in environmental protection Surface and subsurface contamination Characterization of contaminated ground Geoenvironmental site investigation Site assessment technologies
Soil-Water-Environment Interaction The Natural Environment Man Made Environment Geomicrobiosphere The Particle Energy Field Theory Environmental Geotechnical Problems Requires knowledge from other Disciplines Bacteriology Biology Chemical Engg. Climatology Geohydrology Geophysics Geochemistry Hydrogeology Mechanics Microgeology Physico-Chemistry Soil Science Soil Engineering Toxicology Understanding of Soil response to Environments (Short & long-term)
The Natural Environment Atmosphere Biosphere Oxygen Cycle Nitrogen Cycle Carbon Cycle Hydrosphere Lithosphere Geomicrobiosphere Ecosphere The Cycle of Nature
Solid Liquid Man-made Environment Agricultural wastes Human and Animal wastes Industrial wastes Mine wastes……Acid mine waste (due to oxidation of Iron Sulphide (FeS2) or Pyrites to H2SO4) Nuclear wastes Construction Effects (Blasting/Dewatering/debris…)
Soil Response to Environments Soil structures (on/in/with) Pore fluid characteristics Soil-heat Soil-Chemical Soil Bacteria Soil-Root Soil-Electrical Soil-Liquid (water)
Basic concepts of Analysis Most geotechnical projects occur in nature Long-term phenomenon Soil is more sensitive and susceptible to environment than any other construction material Loading may greatly affect soil properties but not the only Parameter to be considered Think of other factors: Heat Moisture (wet/Dry) Pollution intrusion
Classical Soil Mechanics: Some flaws Specific gravity and Atterberg limits are constant Void ratio and porosity as indicators of soil deformation Water in the soil mass is mainly gravity water (need to consider Environmental water) Flow through a soil mass is only due to hydrostatic potential (need to consider thermal/electrical/magnetic/chemical effects) Constitutive models are arbitrarily chosen. Stress-strain relationship
Soil Classification: Controlling Parameters Grain-size distribution Soil Consistency (moisture content) LL PL PI Present scenario (Parameters) % Passing #200 Sieve Specific surface pH in pore fluid Ion-exchange capacity Absorption & adsorption Thermal properties (Conductivity, diffusivity, specific heat) Dielectric constant (Electrical properties) Proposed scenario (Parameters)
Environmental Geomechanics Laboratory @ IIT Bombay www.civil.iitb.ac.in/~dns You are most welcome to Visit the laboratory
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