Internship/Student Teaching Application Workshop for Spring 2015 Placement Application Deadline: Friday, September 19 at 5:00p.m. Some programs have earlier deadlines. Office of Field Experiences Killian Suite 201, Cullowhee, NC
Undergraduate Application Eligibility Requirements 1.Admission to the Teacher Education Program – including Praxis CORE requirement 2.Acceptable program GPA 3.Completed ENGL 202 or equivalent with at least a “C” 4.Encouraged to have completed PSY 323 or SPED 339 or equivalent with at least a “C” DO NOT apply if you have not met all of the above – Your application will be returned unprocessed If you have special circumstances concerning any but the Teacher Education Admission, make an appointment with the Director of Field Experiences.
Application Process Apply through your program portfolio on TaskStream. Attach your background check recheck and a professional resume. Fill out the electronic form attached to the application page. MAKE SURE TO SUBMIT!
Not Employed in Classroom 1.Review application and instructions on 2.Subscribe to TaskStream. 3.Order criminal background check (takes 3-5 business days) 4.Make appointment with advisor 5.Prepare résumé and have reviewed by Career Services (takes time for review) 6.Complete TaskStream – in your program licensure portfolio 7.Submit to CEAP Master by 5:00 pm on September 19th.
In your Program Portfolio, Choose Intern/Student Teaching Application
READ The Directions and Supplementary Links
Complete the Online Form and Attachments
School Interviews During the placement process you may be called for an interview. Have a professional ringback and voice mail set up in case you get this call. Listen to the message before you call back. Professional behavior is expected at all times in any contact with our school partners. Under no circumstances may you contact a school administrator or teacher to arrange your own placement!!
Background Checks Background checks must be younger than 6 months Package Code: CU98re; PIN: 92# (Currently enrolled in PSY 323, SPED 339; or EDCI 201) Package Code: WG18re; Cost = $19 (not currently enrolled in mentioned courses above) Self disclosure – if you are arrested after background check, notify the Director of Field Experiences within 72 hours.
Enter Package Code
Accept Terms and Continue
Enter Personal ID# (Student ID#), if Prompted
Available School Systems For Residential Program Students – including commuters Buncombe Asheville City Cherokee County Cherokee Central drug test required Clay Graham Haywood Henderson Jackson Macon Madison McDowell Mitchell Polk Rutherford Swain Transylvania Yancey
Buncombe County Schools Buncombe County requires the NC Health Certificate at the time of application. An additional release form is required by OFE. Health exams can be completed at the WCU health center for full-time residential program students. Be certain to bring the form with personal information completed to the appointment. The health form and release form must be submitted to OFE by the application deadline.
Employed in Classroom Upload the following on TaskStream – Site Supervisor Form is a fillable pdf on the website; – a copy of the mentor teacher’s license – Background check – Professional Résumé Check with your Human Resources - about Student Teaching in your classroom or school. Some systems require that you take unpaid leave.
Site Supervisor Form http :// www. wcu. edu / academics / departments - schools - colleges / CEAP / ceap - depts / office - of - field - experiences - ofe / students / internships - and - student - teaching / application - forms - and - process / index. asphttp :// www. wcu. edu / academics / departments - schools - colleges / CEAP / ceap - depts / office - of - field - experiences - ofe / students / internships - and - student - teaching / application - forms - and - process / index. asp
Application Deadline Friday, September 19 at 5:00 p.m. Incomplete applications will not be accepted or processed. Plan carefully to ensure meeting deadline and to avoid delaying your progress toward program completion. Some portions of the application require several days to complete. If you do not qualify, please do not apply. It will be returned.
What to Expect Placements confirmed between 1-3 months after the deadline. Principals make the final decision about which students to host. Notification of placement sent via catamount . Placements may change after confirmation due to personnel changes and other unforeseen circumstances. Affected students are notified as soon as possible.
Preparing for Internship/Student Teaching Review electronic Internship/Student Teaching Handbook at Complete Health Certificate and submit directly to principal the first day of Internship. Unless placement was requested in Buncombe County Schools, do not bring health certificate to the OFE.
Contact Cooperating Teacher Check the school website and contact your cooperating teacher to introduce yourself and thank him/her for working with you. Share contact information ( , cell #) Establish clear expectations for the first day you will arrive at the school. Intern I-First week of WCU classes. Intern II-First day your teacher returns.
SOCIAL MEDIA Principals have the right to cancel placements at any time. Do not risk losing your placement! Do Not “Friend” Students Do Not “Friend” Fellow Teachers & Staff Do Not mention anything about the school, the students, or the staff even on “private” account Remember – assume that anything you have in any electronic format is public.
OFE Contact Information Director: Dr. Chená Flood Admin Assistant: Annie McCord Muse Office of Field Experiences 201 Killian, Cullowhee, NC Phone:(828) Fax:(828)