Solid Waste-unwanted soilds Municipal Soild Waste-garbage Industrial Solid Waste-indirect Hazardous (Toxic) Waste-threatens human health=toxic/flammable Batteries/pesticides/cleaners/sludge **Affluenza-US = 1/3 of the solid waste (55% MSW/30% recycled/15% burned) Al/tires/diapers/carpet/plastic bottles/Styrofoam/edible food/paper
Waste Reduction Waste Management 75-90% of soild waste could be eliminated THE FOUR R’s! Refuse Reduce Reuse Repurpose Recycle
Items: paper, glass, aluminum, steel, and plastics. PRE CONSUMER and POST CONSUMER US recycles 30%Japan 50% Primary-recycled into same product Secondary-recycled into new product MSW MRF’s (materials recovery facilities) Composting AdvantagesDisadvantages Air/Water PollutionLandfills lose $ Save EnergyMay lose $ (glass/plastics) Reduce GH emissionsSource Separation $ paper, metals
Where else would the garabage go? Power…..Burning….Burying.…..Landfills
Open Dumps-developing Sanitary Landfills-Lined with wells to monitor leakage. Thin layers (compacted) w/ clay/plastic (reduce leachate, fire, odor, animals). Leachates are pumped into tanks to store onsite. science/landfill.htm
AdvantagesDisadvantages No open burningNoise/Traffic OdorDust/Erosion Lined-low groundwater pollution Air Pollution- CO2/methane/VOC’s /Dioxins! Quick to buildLeaks/Leachates Low $Slow decomposition Filled- RecreationDiscourages RRRR High Yield
Soild/liquid that is toxic, ignitable, corrosive, or could explode. Organic-solvents/pesticides/PCB’s, Dioxins Heavy Metals-Pb (neurotoxin/teratogen), Hg (neurotoxin/coal burning, volcanoes/bioaccumulation fish), Arsenic U.S………is #1(Let’s go China!) Military – 1/3 – NO EPA INTERACTION Chemical Companies Mining Industry Government Regulates: CERCLA (SUPERFUND)-tax/regulate point source Resource Conservation and Recovery Act-illegal disposal/permits CRADLE to GRAVE
Superfund-allocated to clean up abondoned hazardous waste sites (brownfields)…..expired in 1995-now taxpayers pay….. Terrorists love hazardous waste
Recycle, reuse, detoxify, burn, bury? Incineration or Plasma Torch-HIGH temp. break down hazards Air Bury-Deep Well Disposal-underneath aquifers Air/Water Detox: Physical: Filters/electrostatics/capsules Chemical: cyclodextrin- starch/nanomagnets Biological-bioremediation-bacteria/enzymes convert to harmless Phytoremediation-”Pollution Sponges” GM plants to absorb/filter contaminants from soil/water