SHORTTERMGOALSSHORTTERMGOALS Emphasis on mental Mathematics skills, to enhance higher - order thinking. Enabling students: to solve problems involving The Limits of Accuracy. to solve problems on Minimum and Maximum error. to calculate the Trigonometrical ratios of Obtuse angles. to calculate trigonometrical ratios of special angles (30°,60°,90°) to calculate the Area of triangle using ½ ab SinC°. to solve problems involving Sine and Cosine rules.
21st Century Approaches
Limits Of Accuracy Work Sheet. Multi-media. Past papers Directing Skills Intervening Skills Questioning Skills Observing skills. Geometrical skills. Directing Skills. Intervening Skills Topic Approach Mode Instructional Strategies And Tasks ! Further Trigonometry Online work sheets. Surprise tests. Multi media slides. Past papers.
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Learn terms, Formulas, Facts, Methods, Procedures, Concepts. KNOWLEDGEVERBS Recognize, Memorize, Identify SAMPLE TASKS What is the Upper & Lower Bound of an approximate value? State the Max & Min error. How can we find the trigonometrical ratios of Obtuse angles?
VERBSSAMPLE TASKS Understand uses and implications of terms, facts, methods, procedures, concepts. Change Classify, Convert, Estimate, Interpret, Measure. COMPREHENSION Find the upper & lower bound of the Area of rectangle. Calculate the Max & Min error in the length measured correct to 2 d.p. Solve the triangles using sine or cosine rules.
APPLICATION VERBSSAMPLE TASKS Solve problems, use information in the new situations. Calculate, Compute, Construct, Demonstrate, Derive, Manipulate, Operate, Prove, Solve. Find the area of Triangle. How do you calculate the side of a triangle given two angles and any one side? Solve the triangle given two sides and included angles. Solve the triangle given all three sides.
ANALYSIS VERBS SAMPLE TASKS Analyze structure, Recognize assumptions, Breaking down materials into parts. Break down, Deduce, Diagram, Formulate, Simplify. How can we find the Max & Min error in estimated values. What methods can be used to calculate the unknown sides and angles of any triangle? How can we find the Trigonometrical ratios of special angles without using calculators.
SYNTHESISVERBS SAMPLE TASKS Putting information together into a new and creative way. Construct, Derive, Develop, Document, Generate, Pridict, Integrate, Specify. Describe some patterns that you recognized in calculating Max & Min error. Describe some patterns that you recognized in solving different Triangles. What prediction can you make by looking at the Diagram.
EVALUATIONVERBSSAMPLE TASKS Set standards, Judge with purpose, Accept or reject on basis of criteria. Choose, Compare, Conclude, Decide, Describe, Evaluate, Justify. Describe how to solve a problem. How can you solve the triangle using different formula? Using the ½ ab SinC° formula, Justify your reason for choosing the strategy selected.
The Head Mistress may not agree with my new approach. There may be some students who do not want to work together. Lack of pupil interest in subject. Unavailability of teaching aids like projector, computer lab etc. Unexpected holidays. By Counseling & Convincing, I will make her realize the benefits of my new approach. By Listening to them & Resolving their issues. By Motivation & Role model, Individual assessment, & Setting clear objectives. I will request my H.M to ensure the availability of the Teaching aids. By taking substitution periods. Challenges Solutions
Student-Centered Class Room
Team Work BETTERBETTER RESULTRESULT Collaboration Excels* I am… AloneAlone Higher Order Thinking & 21 st Century skills*
Use appropriate, concrete & understandable examples Capitalize on students’ existing needs Strengthen students’ self-motivation Make students Active participant in learning August 2011 Week4Week4 W e K 2 Week 3 Time Line Week 1
SAMPLESAMPLE Practice questions and notes with examples.
Work Books. Work sheets. Past year exam Papers. Frequent Usage of Internet. Spread sheets, Multi media. Collaboration with different teachers teaching Mathematics. Resources
ConclusionConclusion Implementing the 21 st Century teaching approaches, I am sure that students will be empowered and will appreciate and gain better knowledge of Mathematics.