Physical Geography Desert – Gobi Plains Plateaus Rivers : Huang He (Yellow) – China’s Sorrow Yangtze
Xia Shang Advances: China’s first writing system Oracle bones Oracle - prediction Calendar
Defeated the Shang Dynasty Ruled longer than any other dynasty Mandate of Heaven – heaven gave power to the king Social Structure King Lords – people of high rank Peasants – farmers with small farms
Confucius – most influential teacher in Chinese history. Ethics – moral values Ideas became known as Confucianism Guidelines for family and government (p. 169)
Daoism – stressed living in harmony with the Dao, the guiding force of all reality Yin and Yang Legalism – belief that people were bad by nature and needed to be controlled Strict laws to keep people in line
Unified China in 221 BC Shi Huangdi – “first emperor” Used army to expand the empire Established: Uniform system or laws, written language, and currency
Network or roads Canals and irrigation systems Great Wall – a barrier that linked earlier walls across China’s northern frontier
Lasted for 400 years 1 st emperor – Liu Bang Next great emperor was Wudi Follower of Confucianism Family became important Father was the head of the family Women’s duty was to obey her husband Children had to obey their father
Art and Literature Figure painting Poetry Inventions and Advances Paper Sundial – uses the position of shadows cast by the sun to tell the time of the day Seismograph – device that measures the strength of an earthquake Acupuncture – practice of inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to cure disease or relieve pain
Ironworking Swords and armor Iron plow and wheelbarrow Silk – a soft, light, highly valued fabric Silk Road – 4,000 mile long network of routes that stretched westward from China across Asia’s deserts and mountain ranges, through the Middle East, to the Mediterranean Sea
Spread from India to China Diffusion – the spread of ideas from one culture to another