The South African Library for the Blind (SALB) Annual Report for 2009 / 2010
Overview of presentation 1.SALB mandate – Judge Yacoob 2.SALB functions – Judge Yacoob 3.Board overview 2009 / 2010 – Judge Yacoob 4.Administration and Finance – CFO: B Gornall 5.Performance overview – Director: F Hendrikz 6.Discussion 2
SALB Mandate South African Library for the Blind Act 91 of 1998 (Art. 3) “The object of the Library for the Blind is to provide a national library and information service to serve blind and print-handicapped readers in South Africa.” 3
SALB functions (Article 4) build up a balanced and appropriate collection of South African and other documents for the use of blind and print-handicapped readers; 1. to provide access to documents nationally and internationally to those readers; 2. to provide library and information services on a national basis to those readers; co-ordinate and preserve the national audio and braille literary heritage; produce documents in special mediums such as braille and audio as required by readers; develop standards for the production of those documents; research production methods and technology in the appropriate fields acquire, manufacture and disseminate the necessary technology required to –read, replay or reproduce media 4
Board overview of 2009 to 2010 (1) 1.General Board affairs a. 1 st term concluded b. Board member affairs c. Meetings 2.Financial Affairs of the Library a. Unqualified audit b. Government funding c. Fundraising (i) Tactile book project (ii) Digital Mini Libraries (iii) International accessible media5
Board overview of 2009 to 2010 (2) 3. Policy documents a. Performance Management Policy b. Revised Conditions of Service c. Quality assurance and standards th anniversary celebrations a. Building name b. Recognition of indigenous languages c. Braille essay competition d. New logo 6
Board overview of 2009 to 2010 (3) 5. Pilot Braille Newspaper 6. International activities a. Training in Malawi b. Global Accessible Library for the Blind 7. Organisational development a. Management assessment 7
Administration ItemsStatistics Total staff Coloured (17) African (14) White (11) Disabled (2) 44 HR expenditureR9,845 million (75%) Resignations4 Vacancies10 Post filled8 Training needs addressedSkills programme: 42 Accredited training: 3 8
Finances Auditor’s General Report AG’s Report –Unqualified audit –No findings on predetermined objectives –Matters of emphasis Fruitless & wasteful expenditure of R12,746 No fraud prevention plan Internal Audit did not report on controls to Board 9
Finances - Overview Gross income: R15,100,564 (15% increase) Net surplus: R4,469,250 –Late revenue received –Filling of Senior post on hold –Library Project Grant from DSRAC Eastern Cape –Tactile Book Grant from DAC –Trust donation for the purchase of material 10
Financial Performance Revenue made up as follows: Transfers and Subsidies received National Department of Arts and Culture R11,545,000 Gifts, Sponsorships and Donations Donations and Bequests R 1,232,000 Tactile Book Project R 58,000 Audio Production Project R 306,000 Braille Production Project R 21,000 Total R 1,617,000 Interest Income received R 872,000 11
Financial Performance Revenue made up as follows: (cont.) Other Income Daisy Players R 260,000 Provincial Coordinator Project R 654,000 African Language Project R 61,000 Tactile Book Project (Dept. of Arts and Culture) R 39,000 Library Project (DSRAC, Eastern Cape) R 94,000 Profit on Asset Disposal R 1,000 Sundry Income R 19,000 Total R 1,067,000 INCOME TOTALR15 101,000 12
Financial Performance Expenditure made up as follows: Administrative ExpensesR 515,000 Staff CostsR 7,426,000 Marketing CostsR 280,000 Audit Fees R 114,000 Other Operating ExpensesR 2 297,000 EXPENDITURE TOTALR10,632,000 SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR R 4,469,000 13
Financial Performance Reconciliation of budget surplus with the surplus in the Statement of Financial Performance Net surplus per the Statement of Financial PerformanceR4,469,000 14
Financial performance Reconciliation of budget surplus with the surplus in the Statement of Financial Performance (cont) Adjusted for: Interest received on investments in excess of budgeted amount(R 672,000) Donations and Bequests received and not budgeted for(R 1,617,000) Income from sale of Daisy Players received and not budgeted for(R 260,000) 15
Financial Performance Reconciliation of budget surplus with the surplus in the Statement of Financial Performance (cont) Sundry Income and Profit on Asset Disposal received and not budgeted for(R 20,000) Additional subsidy received from the Department of Arts and Culture(R 183,000) Income received from outside Projects not budgeted for(R 987,000) 16
Financial Performance Reconciliation of budget surplus with the surplus in the Statement of Financial Performance (cont) Income Grants in Aid - Projects and Capital not applied for R 2,195,000 Expenditure Grants in Aid - Projects and Capital not applied for(R 2,195,000) Other expenditure underexpensed as per approved budget(R 730,000) Net surplus per approved budget NIL 17
Financial Performance Application to accumulate and retain surplus funds Approved by National Treasury on 16 August 2010 Use of surplus funds: National awareness radio advertising campaign Production of audio and braille newspapers and magazines Fill vacant posts Donations received and earmarked for specific projects, namely collection development 18
Performance Information 1.Library Services & Collection development –Added 699 audio and 261 braille titles –2 new Minilibs in Gauteng and Free State –150 members registered (5,783 members) –User survey –Tele-book reading club initiated 19
Performance Information (2) 2. Braille production services –Produced 288 braille titles –1 new braille magazine launched –Indigenous languages braille collection –Pilot braille newspaper 20
Performance Information (3) 3. Audio production –264 Daisy books produced –576 titles converted from Analogue to Digital –7 new audio magazine titles added –Tested various audio sources to acquire 21
Performance Information (4) 4. Production Support Services –Research various production improvement options –Coordinated the production of Braille & Audio material received from 70 narrators and 91 transcribers, proofreaders and copy-typists –Braille scholarship proposal 22
Performance Information (5) 5. Braille Consultancy –Train three schools in Unified Braille Code –Xhosa Braille primer –Tsonga Braille guide –Production of Tactile reading material 23
Performance Information (6) 6. Technical and IT Services –Building needs specifications –Disability access –IT audit and management plan completed –SALB website development & launch 24
Performance Information (7) 7. Marketing and Management Services –Appointment of a Marketing Agency –90 th anniversary celebrations –National Library week exhibition –Marketing position filled in January 2010 –Performance Management Policy approved –Conditions of Service approved –Financial Manual updated 25
Thank You