1 Presentation and discussion in session of Module 2: External vs. Internal recruitment and future leaders in offices statistics Geneva 2010 Hans-Joachim Rieger
Start: !!! ??? Modul 2 Final: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ???????????????? 2
3 Contents of module 2 1.How to identify and train future leaders in official statistics (Sweden) 2.Recruitment and development at statistics Canada 3.Competency-based people management (Brazil) 4.Statistics Finland´s Personnel Survey 5.Methods and main results of staff migration motivation research at the Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Topics and discussion (1) Management and leadership: –Divide management profiles from leadership profiles –Manager / leadership have their own profession –Own and different qualification –Job mach test for leadership potentials –Train future leaders: following the key competences –Coaching as a tool for top management 4
Topics and discussion (2) tools: –Survey, questionnaires, (strengthening the view of staff members) –Exit interviews –Rotation as a tool to widen views Organisation: –HR departments established –HR part of the strategic plan 5
Topics and discussion (3) General: Allocate the right persons to the leading position From results to action (divided in well being group and management team) Job satisfaction is a strategic measure Systematic approach needed job fairs to get best students 6
Topics and discussion (4) High staff turn over - motivation: –Training for leave? Most leavers are younger then 35 years –Challenging and heavy workload is not demotivating, –Feed back and recognition (leadership!) is motivating –Flexi work time is a bonus for motivation 7
Topics and discussion (5) Competencies: Defining and mapping institutional and functional competencies Produce development plans and learning tracks (software data base based: job recruitments, profiles and competences 8
Topics and discussion (6) Team work Team development, focusing instruments on team not only on individuals Cooperation and participation
Missing and open questions We have identified problems – where are the (possible) solutions? Which problems are not solvable by HR. Identified problem: Consequences: what to do with staff who does not perform properly Assistance for own decision making is missing Statistics is also a routine work: what type of people are needed? Staffs interest has always to be taken into account 10
Suggestion: Way forward Guidelines for HR with practical measures and tools as well as for decision making List of practical examples of success and failure with analyses Sub working groups HR on specific topics: i.e. staff appraisal, advanced training steering, leadership development, 11
12 Thank you for listening Any things to add?