Environment and Sustainable Development - The Supply Chain of Clothes Engert, Wimmer, Scheriau
The Supply Chain of Clothes Topics: The Economic Aspects The Ecological Aspects The Social Aspects
Economic Aspects Cloth production in developing countries less qualified workers small costs of material transport Importance of commercial agreements and legal regulations Biggst producers: China, India, Russia, America and Indonesia
Economic Aspects Infulences on the market of clothes: the demand on the clothes market, costs of production, technological change and political developments
Economic Aspects China`s role: most importent exporter of textiles cheap labor – 0.7 $ per hour minor legal consequences concerning environmental pollution supply of synthetic and natural resources 2006: producing textiles in the value of 250 billions Euro
Economic Aspects India`s role: textile industrie: 4 % of gross national product global export rate about 14% in the textile sector - second largest employer third largest supplier of textiles for the US and the european market
The Ecological Aspects Ressources Advantages of organic cotton cotton production is the dirtiest crop in the world aldicarb, parathion and methamidopho are the three acutely hazardous insecticides to human health biotechnology is the fastest adapted technology in the history organic farmers use natural fertilizers like compost and animal manure, which reduces both the pollution problem and the N2O emissions
The Ecological Aspects Problems in Production coloration of textiles which are extremely harmful to the environment and the health of the factory workers because of the adoption of synthetic substances
The Ecological Aspects Transport the transportation is a big problem, which is very harmful to the environment because of the emissions one of the primary determinants of carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from mobile sources is the amount of carbon in the fuel
The Ecological Aspects Transport ways to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions an alternative to diesel for trucks are gas, because electricity-mobility is not suited for trucks a training for driving energy efficiency better planning of routes and logistic, also in international shipping better propellers for ships better engine technology more fuel efficient airplanes hydraulics of airplanes can be replaced with electric engine flight speed can be reduced
The Ecological Aspects Utilisation the adoption of everybody is very important customers have the responsibility to mind in a natural and eco-friendly production and support the ecological sustainability in the textile industry
The Ecological Aspects Disposal What happens with clothes and other textiles after using? often the clothes were burned there are several Organisations in Austria, like “Das Rote Kreuz” or the “Caritas” which are very thankful for clothing donations
The Ecological Aspects Ecological Certification Oeko Tex Standard 100 Global Organic Textile Standard Clean Clothes Campaign Ethical Trade Initiative Fairtrade International Greenpeace International International Cotton Association
The Social Aspects Cotton Production
The Social Aspects Sweat Shops
The Social Aspects Sweat Shops Wages below the subsistence level Dangerous working conditions Child labor Corporal punishment Pregnancy controls Etc.
The Social Aspects Sweat Shops → Example: Jeans Who receives how much on average of one sold pair of jeans? 50% retail, administration, sales tax 25% brand name, administration, advertising 13% material, profit of the factory in a low-wage country 11% transport, taxes, import 1% worker
The Social Aspects Child Labor UNICEF defined eight circumstances under which child labor is harmful and exploitative: Full-time job at an early age Too many working hours per day Inadequate payment Dangerous working conditions Work with too much responsibility Work with physical and psychological strain Work that harms the dignity and self-esteem of the child Work that hinders the school attendance
The Social Aspects Child Labor
The Supply Chain of Clothes Our Video: Ausbeutung zum Schnäppchenpreis: Discounter- Angebote und ihre Folgen
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