Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Action Programme „Digital economy / ICT“ O t t o P e p e r n a Head of Division ‚international research and technology cooperation‘ „Innovation and Collaboration for a Productive Economy: Changing the Growth Curve“ Bled/Slovenia A U S T R I A
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Definition –Austrian initiative focusing on the collaboration between business and science –Exploring and understanding “new business” practices in a networked economy is key to this program Major objectives –Increase R&D rate in Austria by stimulating R&D investments of the private sector –Strengthen competitive position of Austrian SME´s Target groups –Suppliers and users of eBusiness / ICT solutions (SME´s) –Research organisations and universities Parameters –Volume:~ 3,6 Mio. € / a –Duration: Definition and Scope
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Program structure Strategy, Budgeting, Objectives Planning, Coordination Action Line 1 Horizontal Activities (gender mainstreaming, evaluations, etc.) Strategic Consulting Group Action Line 2 R&D Structural improvement activities Innovation Awareness, Information, Consulting Target Group: ICT - SuppliersTarget Group: ICT - Users
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Labour Samples R&D (~1,1 Mio. € / a) pilot actions (call for broadband applications, call for multi platform content applications, Clustering of ICT R&D organisations) Permanent Development funds (Cooperative Competence Projects, Business Meets Science) Structural improvement ( ~ 1 Mio. € / a) Awards and International Events start mobile business eContent / eContent Plus Innovation (~ ,- € / a) pilot actions (digital signature (closed); supply chain management (planned)) joint standardisation initiative “ebInterface” Awareness (~ ,- € / a) portal ‘ecAustria’, roadshows, … accompanying measures (~ ,- / a) programme coordination, surveys, evaluation, gender mainstreaming actionline 2 actionline 1