Local Strategy for the Integration of the Youth and new employment opportunities Back to the future Connecting the Younger and Older Generation through.


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Presentation transcript:

Local Strategy for the Integration of the Youth and new employment opportunities Back to the future Connecting the Younger and Older Generation through Life Stories to Cooperate for Making the Change within the Framework of Non-Formal Education” September 2008

The Organization of the Initiative Local Authorities Youth Clubs European Perspective Elder clubs Intergenerational Forum Local Committee BACK TO THE FUTURE September 2008

The Vision  A local society which values mutual respect and equal fundamental rights and which understands and believes in the ability of youth to shape and change society in progressive ways;  A local society free from discrimination because of age, class, religion, educational attainment, gender or other factors;  A local society which moulds young people to be critically self aware and aware of the total environment. BACK TO THE FUTURE September 2008

An overview of the suggested youth strategy Back to the Future September 2008

Thematic Priorities  Social and Economic Empowerment opportunities for youth development  Adolescent and Youth Protection  Adolescent and Youth Leadership Back to the Future September 2008

Key figures  Education: 1/3 of the unemployed has completed tertiary education. 30% of graduates remain unemployed; in EU only the 14%.  40% is being looking for a job from 6-17 months and 35% for more than 1 year and a half.  Unemployment rate: 8.3% (2008)  Youth unemployment (A’ trimester 2008): 33,36% Back to the Future September 2008

Overall objective  All young people should have genuine access to welfare and to centres of influence. Back to the Future September 2008

Prioritised issues  Education  Employment  Culture and leisure  Participation  Health and security Back to the Future September 2008

Methods of Approach  The Local Committee needs to:  coordinate initiatives between all policy areas with relevance to youth  collect and disseminate knowledge  set the priorities for youth policy  cooperate with the municipality  have an ongoing dialogue with youth and their organisations Back to the Future September 2008

Organization of work  Integration of a youth perspective in the existing objectives of relevant policy areas of the Local Authority  Approx. 40 young people, members of existing local youth clubs, had the task to report on the thematic priorities  The Local Committee consisted of young people as well as of elders and actors of the social sector followed up their reports Back to the Future September 2008

Analysis of the thematic priorities and implementation plan Back to the Future September 2008

1. Social and Economic Empowerment Opportunities for Youth  Goals:  The reduction of unemployment among young men and women  Equality of Opportunity  Plan:  Building and maintaining political will  mobilizing adequate financial resources  increasing access to and use of new technologies  matching educational policy and labor market needs Back to the Future September 2008

2. Adolescent and Youth Protection  Goals:  Reducing levels of substance abuse, crime and violence among youth  Countering the emergence of anti- social and non-conformist leadership at the grassroots level Back to the Future September 2008

2. Adolescent and Youth Protection  Plan:  Creating trust between local police and youth  Developing Social Capital  Local authorities and NGOs to support sport, drama, music and other after school activities for youth  adopt a regional approach to drug education using clear and simple messages Back to the Future September 2008

3. Adolescent and Youth Leadership  Goals:  To foster active youth participation in local social life and integration processes Back to the Future September 2008

3. Adolescent and Youth Leadership  Plan:  Implementation of leadership training programs for young people. These trainings will: Demonstrate respect and concern for youth Provide an effective training experience for selected youth and potential leaders Recognize publicly young people who are rendering service to their communities Encourage leadership of youth by youth Back to the Future September 2008

Role of the Municipality  Active engagement  Monitoring and Evaluation  Consultation  Reform of its services (along with the public services) so as to give motivation to young people for active participation in the local social life. Back to the Future September 2008

Perspectives All Civilians, youth and elder, members of the local community should act according to the following perspectives:  The cooperation perspective  The encouragement perspective  The support perspective  The respect perspective Back to the Future September 2008