LOFTI Training Brad Berens Kathy Mills Rob Monson Joel Price
Identify Training Program n Quantitative versus Qualitative –Components of program Teacher selection One day of introductory interview training Gathering of teacher interview data using testing instrument One day of collaborative evaluation techniques Inter-rater reliability Using ISTE Standards as a guide
Goals and Objectives n Identify teachers who are proficient in ISTE Standards n Interview of subjects n Collection of data n Submit data for analysis n Compile data n Analyze data n Provide feedback for teachers n Generate report to Federal Department of Education, LOFTI and DECA
Design Evaluation Process
Implementation Process n Implementation –Training –Interviewing –Data Collection –Data Compilation –Analysis Rubric –Dissemination of data to stakeholders n Sharing the Data –Federal Department of Education –DECA –LOFTI –Teachers –Boards of Education
Level 1 n Reaction –Smile sheet –Positive reaction to educational program –Understanding of LOFTI Goals –Understanding of Interview process
Level 2 n Learning –Leadership –Motivation –Communication –Specific Objectives –Attitudes are changed –Knowledge is increased –Skill is improved
Level 3 n Behavior –Desire to change –Knowledge and ability to affect change –Proper climate –Personal reward laptop computer
Level 4 n Results –Final results –Teacher expectations versus realities –Interviewer bias –Inter-rater reliability –Needs of LOFTI
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