Bustling with Budgets! An ACEware Webinar
Budgeting our time Budget Builder vs Pocket Ledger Budget Builder anatomy Vocabulary Fees Per person charges Estimating Expenses Running Reports Questions
Pocket Ledger Looks at one course Helps to set realistic fees..based on estimates. You enter costs & Enrollment Estimates Go/No Go available What Ifs vs Actuals Tracks actual expenses & income Assign expenses to a group of courses Report on a set of like expenses: overall marketing for term (Major Expense Groupings) Budget Builder
What does Budget Builder do? Fee setups (representing estimated enrollments) Per person expenses (pass throughs)
Estimate expenses (which can be program or sunk) Calculations then deliver for you Go/ No Go
What If/Actuals a)Pre = What If b)In process (show actuals
Income Registrations generate income with course fees Course fees may be paid or billed Fees may be adjusted on the registration screen Reports can include or exclude billed fees
Sunk vs. Program Costs Sunk costs are expenses incurred before the program These will not be recovered if the program fails to run. Examples include marketing, & venue deposits Program costs will only be paid if the program runs. Examples include books, food and instructor fees
Go/No Go vs. Break Even Go/No Go Number of participants required to re-coup PROGRAM costs Break Even Point at which ALL expenses are covered… & profit begins!
Fees / Income Begin by adding fees Or by importing fees from course screen Total estimated income
Per person expenses
Expenses Begin with Add Expense Entry
What if’s & actuals Remember, nothing on this screen is saved & No previous entries are altered
Course Case #1 One day course Hands on, attendance limited to 12 (# computers in lab) Expenses include: Instructor Book Lunch Marketing Coffee at breaks (morning & afternoon) Computer course
Course Case #2 Two day conference Attendance unknown (possibly 250) Expenses include: Speakers (retainer, travel & speaker fees) T-shirt Lunch both days & Breakfast day one Coffee at breaks (morning & afternoon) Conference Proceedings Marketing Conference – New… First Time
Budget Builder Reports
Annual Conference…