Airdrie Library Strategic Planning Session
Welcome back! Tonight’s agenda: Review results of first meeting (Janine) Discuss 5 top priority service responses (Ken) Review implications of recommendations / reaction from board and staff (Janine) Finalize selection of service responses (Ken)
CONNECT TO THE ONLINE WORLD Public Internet Access (11 votes) PLA Service Responses
CONNECT TO THE ONLINE WORLD Public Internet Access (11 votes) PLA Service Responses Possible audiences: Adults, teens children Possible services: public computers, wireless, training Critical resources: staff knowledge, IT support, facilities (furnishings, wire management, etc.), technology (computers, network, internet connection, printers, PC reservation system)
KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY Community Resources and Services (9 votes) PLA Service Responses
KNOW YOUR COMMUNITY Community Resources and Services (9 votes) PLA Service Responses Possible audiences: Adults, teens, new residents, seniors Possible services: Online community calendar, community info directory, community info blog, outreach to organizations, committee/task force participation, volunteer placement Critical resources: staff, online tools
VISIT A COMFORTABLE PLACE Physical and Virtual Spaces (9 votes) PLA Service Responses
VISIT A COMFORTABLE PLACE Physical and Virtual Spaces (9 votes) PLA Service Responses Possible audiences: Adults, teens, children, organizations/clubs Possible services: comfortable seating, café, meeting rooms, gallery, gaming, web page Critical resources: Facility space, facility quality, furnishings & equipment, lighting, staff skills (customer service, exhibits/displays)
CREATE YOUNG READERS Early Literacy (8 votes) PLA Service Responses
CREATE YOUNG READERS Early Literacy (8 votes) PLA Service Responses Possible audiences: Children (birth-5), parents, caregivers and service providers Possible services: Storytimes, “read to me” programs, reading kits, book collections Critical resources: Book collections, staff skill (literacy theory, storytime), children’s area, program rooms, children’s computers
UNDERSTAND HOW TO FIND, EVALUATE, AND USE INFORMATION: Information Fluency (8 votes) PLA Service Responses
UNDERSTAND HOW TO FIND, EVALUATE, AND USE INFORMATION: Information Fluency (8 votes) PLA Service Responses Possible audiences: Seniors, adults, teens, children Possible services: Internet and technology classes, online tutorials, school and senior centre partnerships, on-the-spot training Critical resources: Staff expertise and service delivery training, manuals and other support collection, computer lab
Exercise Your reactions to service responses? What target audiences for each service response?
Analyzing the Top Five THREE are already being done by the library Create Young Readers; Connect to the Online World; Visit a Comfortable Space Relatively easy to extend and expand TWO would be new for the library Know Your Community; Understand How To Find Information More work to start “from scratch”
Options: Option 1: Select all 5 service responses Maintenance of existing 3 Limited establishment of new 2 Elimination of some existing initiatives Option 2: Select existing 3 and 1 new Some extension of existing 3 Stronger establishment of new 1 Option 3: Stick with existing 3 Strongest extension of existing 3
Prioritizing service responses What new service response is the highest priority?
Selecting new service responses Should the library implement the first priority new service response ? Should the library implement the second priority new service response?
Conclusion and Next Steps
Thank you for your time and effort.