Standards-In-Action Pilot KENTUCKY
OVAE’s SIA Consortium 2 State leads 3 Program directors Geographically accessible Performance Strong leadership Selection Criteria
Rural vs. Urban Size Population e.g., ESL, levels… Fiscal agent e.g., BOE, CTC Other Criteria?
Training OVAE’s SIA Consortium Equal partners Strategized => Consensus Modified & adapted Decision-making = Buy-in
Active participation Modeling Coaching Job-embedded Collaborative environment Sustained over time Practice, practice, practice Reflect, improve, reflect… Elements to include in training?
OVAE’s SIA Consortium Strategic planning & decision-making Program directors – Instructional leaders Opportunity for discussion Collegial resources ?? ?? Support Resources
From the Mouths of Participants What Was Learned from Pilot?
Programmatic Professional Learning Collaborative Opportunities & Collegial Planning Continuous Improvement & Instructional Leadership Videos 11, 12, 3
Scaling UP Programmatic PL Part-time instructional staff Communities of learning Coaches Planning for sustainability
Evaluating the Effectiveness Researched, valid process & training – OVAE’s SIA Collaborative decision- making Feedback + Reflection = Improvement Kirkpatrick flip
Results – Is the desired impact being felt? Performance – Did they transfer their skills to the workplace? Learning – Did they learn the needed skills and/or use the resources they were given? Motivation – Are they motivated to learn and perform? Kirkpatrick
Students and Standards Video 8
Standards-In-Action Pilot KENTUCKY