An E-commerce platform providing Information, Marketing and Microfinance services to mainstream the poor Conference on E-Commerce Strategies for Development Tunis, Tunisia June
A Project of
The Mission of PRIDE AFRICA To create a commercially sustainable Financial and Information Services Network for Farmers and Agro Entrepreneurs to increase incomes and employment and to stimulate growth in Africa.
DrumNet = E-commerce and Microfinance through ICT DRUMNET targets widely dispersed rural clients through cooperatives and similar existing regional networks DrumNet links smallholder farmers and agro entrepreneurs to markets, banks and suppliers by harnessing Internet Technology to achieve economies of scale for mass marketing financial and non financial services to the poor Information Finance Markets
Interface to Financial Institutions DrumNet Database Client Service Rating Client Credit Rating B uyer S eller < Payment Message Message Goods and Bank warehousingtransportpackaging Value added services gradingprocessing marketing/ export The Transaction mechanics
Banks Input Suppliers Processors & Buyers DRUMNET CREDIT GUARANTEE FUND Farmers Database Back Office Functions Loan Appraisals & Monitoring Farmers Database Self-Help GroupsCo-Operatives SACCOs Finance & Credit Providers Finance & Credit Providers DONORS Farmers Groups
Credit Guarantee Fund Farmers Referencing System Service & Credit Ratings Farmers Database interfaced with Financial Institutions Members’ Identification System The Financial Mechanics
The Information Mechanics DrumNet Hub Database/Search Engine Farmer/producers /markets INFO-KIOSKS Wholesalers Exporters Input suppliers Agro processors DrumBeat Newsletters Information Collection & Dissemination Supplier/Client Advertising Products, Services & Training Information Client success stories Supplier/Client Advertising Products, Services & Training Information Client success stories
Last thoughts Virtual “plumbing” is cheaper than real “plumbing”. Explosive growth of mobile phones. Prioritize favorable infrastructure and capacity building policies Common ICT standards and protocols are in place which allow for fast, easy cheap connectivity with appropriate content. Invest in adapting ICT to African context. The case of India. ICT is a mass market tool which is not reaching masses where Africa’s real wealth and potential lie. Mine and exploit Africa’s competitive advantages in global markets. Multinationals increasingly see potential of bottom of the pyramid markets- need new penetration strategies and financial linkages Concentrate on wealth creation not poverty eradication Exploit the exploiters by empowering the exploited.