Presentation to VEGA December 11, 2014
PFD is an American not-for-profit organization whose employees and volunteers work in partnership with local and international groups to improve quality of life of vulnerable people in underserved communities. PFD envisions a more just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world. Mission and Vision
Technical Focus Areas Through its partnership approach PFD works around the globe focusing on three main areas. Livelihoods Health Agriculture
Recent Highlights Livelihoods
UNC Study published in Summer 2014 Journal of Nutrition examined PFD activities and concluded that women involved in a breastfeeding promotion program were 50% more likely to be breastfeeding exclusively by the 6th month if they were also active in the PFD microfinance program. Building on the microcredit platform for better child health in Nigeria
Recent Highlights Health
Working in partnership with Cambodia’s Center for Malaria Control, PFD distributes treated bed nets and trains village volunteers to work as malaria educators. Migrant laborers and others whose work requires them to sleep outside were not benefitting from bed net protection until PFD piloted the “hammock- net” – an innovation that was eagerly adopted. Malaria Prevention for migrants in Cambodia
Recent Highlights Agriculture
In the GREEN Project, PFD is building the capacity of these farmers to understand value chains and navigate local markets. Working with partners, PFD developed a market information system (MIS) that enables producers, processors, wholesale buyers and other stakeholders in Benin to access real-time local market information. Our model has resulted in an increase of over 220% in net sales revenue from vegetables for participating farmers. Growing Resources for Enhanced Agricultural Enterprises and Nutrition (GREEN) Project in Benin
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