Introduction and objectives for the aquaculture session 14/04/2009 Uganda HOMMA Ken (JICA / FAO) W/S: GCP/INT/053/JPN.


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction and objectives for the aquaculture session 14/04/2009 Uganda HOMMA Ken (JICA / FAO) W/S: GCP/INT/053/JPN

Global Production of Fish

Production of Fish in Africa

Production aquatic par region Production aquatic per head

Previous W/S in BF Establishment of a support fund for the aquaculture private sector; Technical assistance to the administration responsible for aquaculture; Reinforcement of small fish-farmer operating capacities; Establishment of a microfinance structure adapted to the sector; Creation of a structure for the conservation of pure strains of Tilapia and other pisciculture fish species; Planning of status report on the fish-farming sector in all countries; Identification of causes of pisciculture failure with actors and officials. General recommendations for aquaculture

Previous W/S in BF Introduction of effective support measures for the development of aquaculture; Subsidization of input purchase; Encouragement and facilitation of establishment of fish culture infrastructures and acquisition of land suited to aquaculture; Strengthening of good governance in the management of state funds earmarked for aquaculture and related activities; Upgrading the capabilities of extension workers and sectoral operators; Support to the sector from financial institutions; Application of the document adopted for the aquaculture development strategy; Introduction of aquaculture training programmes in training establishments; Invitation of the same participants to future workshops. Recommendations to Govmts for aquaculture

Previous W/S in BF Creation of a network of technical assistants for the States; Launching of a pilot demonstration programme in single countries; Help with the identification of financing for countries; Strengthening of technical and financial support; Support for technical studies on aquaculture development; Facilitated procurement of pure strain Tilapia and other productive species; Help in the preparation of an aquaculture development and management plan; Help with a critical assessment and identification of the real problem before acting; Strengthening of trainer and actor capabilities; Monitoring and evaluation of selected projects; Effective use of intervention funds for the benefit of fish farmers. Recommendations to FAO on aquaculture

Previous W/S in BF Launching of a broad programme to inform and sensitize Governments to the aim of the project and secure their effective support; Capitalization of experiences of countries participating in the workshop and availability of those experiences to each participant for the purpose of exchange; Support for the creation of a subregional network on aquaculture development; Launch in each country of commercial aquaculture farms or units for demonstrative and stimulative purposes. Recommendations to the project on aquaculture

Previous W/S in Uganda Finalize the National Aquaculture Development Strategy; Establish standards for fish feed and seed; Establish Certification Units for fish feed and seed; Facilitate access for fish feed and seed; Establish national/ regional aquaculture center equipped with laboratories and training facility; Strengthen capacity of fish farmers and extension service; Practice pilot projects for testing appropriate techniques; and Strengthen commercial/industrial aquaculture CONCLUSION

Previous W/S in Uganda Establish or revise the National Aquaculture Development Strategy Encourage and support private enterprises to engage in commercial aquaculture Establish an aquaculture training and promotion centre Strengthen relevant research and extension systems to develop rural aquaculture Recommendations to Governments

Previous W/S in Uganda Provide technical support Assist on capacity building of government staff, farmers, support services and other stakeholders Facilitate networks for aquaculture development Facilitate the round table of cooperation structures to mobilize resources for aquaculture promotion Assist in establishment of systems for collecting statistics on aquaculture Recommendations to Governments

Previous W/S in Uganda Provide capacity building and assist on holding national workshop for elaboration NADS Technical support on IIA Solutions to constraints in fish seed and feed production e.g. through hands on training Assist on exchange of experiences between countries, training visit etc including from Asia Recommendations to the Project GCP/INT/053/JPN

Summary of the recommendation Establishment of fund Technical assistance Reinforcement of capacities Pure strainsCommercial aquaculture Feed and Seed Establishment of NADS Aquaculture centre

Objective History of aide on aquaculture in Africa Cooperation Methods Target Discouragenment? FarmersSide Activity Against Poverty Rural Development Aquaculture Center ERRORS SUCCESS


Small/Medium Scale Commercial Aquaculture Commercial Auto-consumption Industrial Traditional Semi-Industrial Large medium Small Target

Scenario of the Development Substantial Commercial Fish Farm ・ Self-Investment ・ Autonomy Feed/Seed ・ Distribution Feed/Seed/Tech/Know-How Small Fish Farmer Small Fish Farmer Small Fish Farmer Small Fish Farmer Small Fish Farmer Small Fish Farmer Technical assistance Reinforcement of capacities Commercial aquaculture Feed and Seed Aquaculture centre SOLTITION

Aquaculture Session Commercial Auto-consumption Target Industrial Traditional Semi-Industrial RoyalFish ApproachTechnique Aquaculture in paddy field Pure Strain S.O.N UGANDAGHANA

Recommendation SMALL/MEDIUM SCALE COMMERCIAL AQUACULTURE YESNO OR Identify Other Target Recommendations to Govmt Recommendations to the partners Proposal for actions