Integrating Adaptation into Development Policy Breakout Session C
Trends in Development Policy From single project to consolidated programs and policies Streamline and coordinate planning processes Focus of process vs. end product Partnerships for Development and stakeholder buy-in From “Environment” to Poverty-Environment Linkages, Sustainable Livelihoods, Ecosystem services Adaptation strategies rather than projects
Adaptation Strategies for Policy Development Problem: Threatened Food Security Local Context: fossil aquifers, high incidence of water borne diseases, small economy highly dependent on agriculture Adaptation Option: Increased crop production through irrigation
Adaptation Strategies for Policy Development (cont’d) Vulnerable Agriculture Sector Well-being of women and children (Social) Water Resource Availability (Natural) Health - Water Borne Diseases (Human) Ground Subsistence (Physical) Food Security and Low-Savings (Financial) FilterFilter
Adaptation Strategies for Policy Development (cont’d) Filter (ex. tools: socio- economic/ cost-benefit assessments, SEIAs, stakeholder consultations Possible Elements of Strategy: -Redistribute water from agric. to potable -Emphasize water efficiency -Drought resistant agriculture -Economic Diversification for income generation -Investment in water treatment and recycling Infrastructure -Diversify and stabilize local economy against crop failure :i.e.Microfinance for export of cashews, tourism Cam affect: Agriculture Policy, Trade Priorities, Infrastructure Policy
Integrating Adaptation into Development Policies Which policies are we talking about? Should Development Processes and Plans integrate adaptation? How might this be achieved? What are the opportunities and challenges? Are there examples of what is currently being done?
Should Development Processes and Plans integrate adaptation? The general observation is YES However, we need a system under which to operate The example Tunisia says this system is automatic in their development policy
Policy should be appropriate This is subject to: –Financial restrictions –Technical challenges –Iterative –At regional scale Policy makers need concrete justifications, this requires knowledge and applied research to enhance integration
Example from Tunisia Water Policy Starting point Conservation Building adaptation Non- conventional Eg waste water renovation
Getting the Devt. Policy right Basic and Current Human Needs as priority Must be relevant to people and policy makers The policy process must be right Policies are donor driven, eg Poverty eradication in Kenya Need for collaboration between country level stakeholders
What are the Appropriate Entry Points? Natural Resources Management (easiest and most appropriate) Ministries of Environment
Second Example Nile River Basin Initiative: uncertainty about climate change predictions and impacts – therefore unacceptable to decision makers
AIACC Role Should recommend integrated approaches (poverty-environment): Top-Down Approach Projects should Identify stakeholders at different level: Bottom Up Approach
Entry Points Participatory Tools Stakeholder Engagement Good Governance –Empower stakeholders –Political Commitment International Pressure Equity Important