Infrared Spectroscopy IR Dr. Wael Abu-Dayyih
Introduction Mass spectroscopy === Molecular formula Infrared spectroscopy === Functional groups UV spectroscopy === Extent of conjugation NMR spectroscopy === Map of C-H framework
Introduction All molecules have a certain amount of energy (quantized) and are in constant motion stretching Scissoring Twisting
Theory exploits the fact that molecules absorb specific frequencies that are characteristic of their structure
Theory The result of this energy absorption is an increased amplitude for the vibration
Molecular Motion Translational movement Rotational movement Vibrational movement
Theory In vibrational motion : Each atom has three degrees of freedom For molecules with N atoms in them, linear molecules have 3N – 5 degrees of vibrational modes, whereas nonlinear molecules have 3N – 6 degrees of vibrational modes
Theory Carbon dioxide has 3 x 3 - 5 = 4 vibrations
Interpreting the spectra IR spectra are obtained by detecting changes in transmittance (or absorption) intensity as a function of frequency Most commercial instruments separate and measure IR radiation using dispersive spectrometers or Fourier transform spectrometers
Example Toluene
Sample preparation It is possible to obtain an IR spectrum from samples in many different forms, such as liquid, solid, and gas .