Animal Farm by George Orwell Historical Background About the Russian Revolution and Other History
Czar (Tsar) Nicholas II Held absolute power as the ruler of Russia Involved his country in WWI Allowed his people to go hungry Worker revolted against him – he was overthrown and then abdicated White Army remained loyal His children were Olga, Tatiana, Marie, Anastasia and Alexei He and his family were executed on July 16 or 17, 1918
Revolution Unrest began as early as 1914 By Feb. 1917, the Revolution was in progress – there were mobs in the streets & Czar’s soldiers stepped aside. Czar was forced to abdicate Bolsheviks gained control of telegraph lines and railroads in preparation for further revolution Oct. 1917 – the Revolution was complete and Bolsheviks were in control Bolsheviks took complete power, but there had been no unified government from Feb. – Oct., so things were in really bad shape
Rasputin Trusted advisor to the royal family A monk with “mystical” powers Seemed to help Alexei’s hemophilia Close friend of the Tsarina (Alexandra) Wouldn’t die – poisoned, shot 2-3x and drowned (1916)
Karl Marx Said history = struggle between oppressed and oppressors German philosopher Wrote “Communist Manifesto” Called for revolution Wanted a classless, or equal, society
Vladimir Lenin Leader of the Bolsheviks Died in 1924 – Stalin & Trotsky fought for control Used Marx’s ideas as his basis Began stripping away private land Did get Russia out of the war, but not in good shape
Bolsheviks Led by Vladimir Lenin Began organizing in early 1900s Took complete power in Russia Oct. 1917 Promised land, bread and peace Began stripping all land from individuals and forbade the holding of private property Goal: equality and peace for all and forever Executed royal family in July 1918
Russian Civil War Reds (Bolsheviks & Communists) vs. Whites (wealthy, outraged & sympathetic to Czar) Whites supported by U.S. and Great Britain – they were against communism and upset by the terms of the treaty getting Russia out of WWI Reds won following 3 year campaign of terror
Leon Trotsky Worked closely with Lenin Obvious choice as successor Good planner, speaker and writer Focus was on industrializing USSR Forced into exile – murdered in Mexico 1940
Joseph Stalin Also worked with Lenin Worked to make alliances w/ people who would be loyal Totalitarian ruler Didn’t tolerate any disagreement Used KGB (Secret Police) to crush any disagreement
August 23, 1939 Germany and Soviet Union signed Nonaggression Pact Hitler-Stalin Pact Meant for 10 yrs, lasted 2 Soviets could not enter war Economic Agreement (Soviets provide food while Germany provides furnished products such as steel) Secret Protocol (Soviets gained Baltic States such as Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, and half of Poland for safety reasons) Pact lasted until Germany's surprise invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 August 23, 1939 Germany and Soviet Union signed Nonaggression Pact
George Orwell Author of Animal Farm Written as a result of his experiences in Spain Loyal to ideas of Democratic Socialism Began working on Animal Farm in 1943, despite wartime spirit of support for Stalin First published in U.S. in 1946 Focused on writing against totalitarianism