Early People Fertile Crescent ~ Egypt India ~ China Greece Rome JudaismWorld Religions Potpourri
At the beginning of the New Stone Age people could settle in one place because they began to do this Farm the land 100
The reason the pyramids were built To serve as tombs for the pharaohs 100
India is separated from the rest of Asia by the Himalayas making it this A subcontinent 100
Spartan boys were trained to be these Soldiers 100
The reason Romans built aqueducts To deliver fresh water to cities 100
The Jewish weekly day of rest and prayer Sabbath 100
Belief in many gods Polytheism 100
People who study the remains of past cultures Archaeologists 200
Scholars learned the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphics by studying this Rosetta Stone 200
This system divided Indian society into groups Caste system 200
Athens in Ancient Greece, was the birthplace of this form of government democracy 200
The Pax Romana was a 200 year period of this Peace and Prosperity 200
The Jewish religious leader and teacher Rabbi 200
A person believed to be chosen by God as his messenger Prophet 200
Once there was a surplus of food, some people began to develop other types of skills. This is called _____ Specialization 300
The ancient civilization that developed cuneiform, the world’s first writing system Sumerian 300
The Shang people used oracle bones to do this Predict the future 300
The tradition of the Olympic Games originated as this Festival to the god Zeus 300 Daily Double How much would you like to wager?
The wealthy class of Roman landowners Patricians 300
monotheism 300 Judaism, founded by Abraham, is the first major religion to practice this
All believe in monotheism 300 The main similarity between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
Hunter-gathers expressed themselves artistically through these Cave paintings 400
Stepped temples built to honor Sumerian Gods Ziggurats 400
The Mandate of Heaven states this The emperor gets the right to rule from the gods 400
In Greek mythology, this was the home of the gods Mt. Olympus 400
Like the Ten Commandments and the Code of Hammurabi, the Twelve Tables established these Rules of behavior 400
Jewish communities living outside their ancient homeland 400 Diaspora
The two ancient civilizations with the most similar religious beliefs Roman and Greek 400 Daily Double How much would you like to wager?
A map that shows the landscape features of a place such as mountains and rivers Physical Map 100
A map with important information about the past Historical Map 200
300 To show the meanings of the symbols The main purpose of a map key
The earliest civilizations developed near these Rivers 400